Letter from Linus Pauling to Irvin Stewart. April 5, 1939

Pauling writes to submit his request for a grant from the Committee on Scientific Aids to Learning for the construction of a Fourier calculator. He explains that current methods for calculating Fourier series are both tedious and slow, and that a calculator would allow for research to continue at a rapid place. The Caltech laboratories would use the device, designed by a professional instrument maker, in connection with the determination of crystal structures via x-ray methods.  View Transcript

Letter from Linus Pauling to Irvin Stewart. Page 1. April 5, 1939
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Letter from Linus Pauling to Irvin Stewart. Page 2. April 5, 1939
Page 2

Associated: Robert Corey, Henri A. Levy, Linus Pauling, J. Holmes Sturdivant, Edward W. Hughes, Lindsay Helmholz, Sidney Weinbaum, Philip A. Shaffer, Jr., Thornton C. Fry, C. A. Beevers, Michael Karelitz, California Institute of Technology, Committee on Scientific Aids to Learning

ID: corr368.5-lp-stewart-19390405

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