Linus Pauling and The Nature of the Chemical Bond: A Documentary History Narrative  
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The Second Paper
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Pauling's taming of the wave equation in his first "Nature of the Chemical Bond" paper released a flood of new ideas. In June 1931 he submitted a follow-up paper, "The Nature of the Chemical Bond II. The one-electron bond and the three-electron bond," examining how quantum mechanics could explain the existence of these relatively rare bonds. His calculations helped distinguish among alternative explanations for the unusual bonding properties of oxygen, boron, and nitroso compounds, "odd-electron" molecules that had deeply interested G. N. Lewis. Lewis himself helped talk Pauling through some of the ideas in this second paper in what would become a series, the two of them scribbling sketches and formulae on a blackboard in Lewis's office during Pauling’s teaching stints at Berkeley, the older man puffing out clouds of cigar smoke and advice.

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Audio Clip  Audio: The Three-Electron Bond. January 17, 1983. (1:05) Transcript and More Information

See Also: Letter from Linus Pauling to Arthur B. Lamb. June 4, 1931. 
See Also: "Potential Functions for Electron-pair Bonds." April 19, 1931. 

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"The nature of the chemical bond. II. The one-electron bond and the three-electron bond." July 11, 1931.

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Pastel drawing of Tetragonal Boron. 1964.

"For five years, beginning in spring 1929, I spent one or two months each year in Berkeley as a visiting lecturer in physics and chemistry. During these extended visits to Berkeley I had the pleasure of talking with [G.N.] Lewis for many hours, in his office, his home, and in his Marin County country place."

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