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Heald, C.L., M.D., May 16, 1948

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May 16, 1948

Dr. Albert Einstein Princeton, N.J.

Dear Doctor Einstein:

In daring to write to you in reply to your appreciated circular letter of April 29, I feel like a molecule (not an atom) trying to talk to a giant. But surely a great scientist like you would wish to know the reaction of a molecule to certain stimuli.

I am with you and your Committee in your campaign of education to bring about the establishment of a Federal World Government to prevent war.

The achievement of this great objective, it seems to me, depends much upon our choice of leaders in the political arena. Old party leaders and generals alike offer no plan that could possibly lead to a peaceful agreement with Soviet Russia. Henry Wallace, on the other hand stands squarely for the principles in which your Committee believes.

Wallace would, no doubt, gladly co-operate with the Committee in its campaign of public education. His speaking campaign will be a great factor in making people aware of the dangers of atomic warfare. I heard Wallace speak in Des Moines and Cedar Rapids, where he pleaded earnestly for peaceful settlement of our differences with Soviet Russia to avoid catastrophic war.

Your Committee and the new political party led by Wallace are, in my opinion, two outstanding hopeful

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