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Boname, M.E., September 24, 1947.

Revision as of Dec 20, 2016 10:57:42 AM, edited by

I think it would help to spur people & talk and act ; whereas where nothing but an apparently unattainable goal is set up it tends to sink us into [illegible] and despair.

I have purposely left off the list those of our acquaintances who "knowitall" already, but include those like [illegible] whose activity in behalf of [illegible] Federation can only profit by knowing all that is being done by others in the same field - many have probably already received your letter but it is better to be sure.

With best wishes for your efforts

Yours truly

M E Boname

P.S [illegible] you not [illegible] pressure to bear on all state legislatives & make "The Anatomy of Peace" by Emery Reves required reading in all schools?