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This interview with Carmen Wong begins with a discussion of her experience growing up in Hong Kong. She notes that her mother was an educator, and her father worked for the government. She talks about how she made friends during her childhood and…

At the beginning of this interview, Vicki (Myers) Russell talks about her upbringing in Portland, Oregon. She grew up with one older sister, and her father worked in corporate management, which inspired her to later study Business in college. In her…

In this interview, Jennifer Wells discusses her experience growing up in Hood River, Oregon and recalls frequent childhood trips to Corvallis, Oregon. She notes that because her grandparents lived in the area, Corvallis always felt like a special…

In this interview, SueAnn Bottoms begins by describing her childhood in rural Maine, her undergraduate experience at Western Washington University, and her difficulties deciding what to study in college. She then discusses her job in the U.S. Forest…

In this interview, Dr. Kali Furman starts off by talking about her name, explaining that her first name was found in a book, she has no middle name, and she kept her maiden name even when married. From there, she describes her childhood in St.…

In this, the second of two 2021 interviews with Oregon State University students about the Covid-19 pandemic, five honors undergraduates - Anda Gherghe, Aubrey Olsen, Harry Winsper, Mikaela Swaim, and Teresa Valdez - are interviewed about their…

In this, the first of two 2021 interviews with Oregon State University students collected during the Covid-19 pandemic, three honors undergraduates - Nico Enriquez, Sydney Klupar, and Luna Warren - are interviewed about their experiences at school…

Nethmini Weerasekera’s interview begins with reflections on her upbringing in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Growing up with her parents and two older brothers, Weerasekera’s family lived modestly, with her father working as a photojournalist and her mother…

The interview begins with Zoe Simmons speaking about her childhood growing up in Highlands Ranch, Colorado. Simmons reflects on the many sports she was involved in as a child and the active lifestyle her family led. She then recounts the roles that…

Robin Rosetta begins her interview by recalling her early years in Texas and move to California when she was four years old. She recounts having a good education throughout grade school and expresses how much she loved reading growing up. In high…