Letter from Linus Pauling to H.D. Springall. December 27, 1938

Pauling writes that he is glad to hear that work at Oxford is going well and expresses his hopes that a permanent position will turn up for him. Pauling updates Springall on his and his colleagues' laboratory work, and reports that Coryell has been appointed instructor at U.C.L.A.  View Transcript

Letter from Linus Pauling to H.D. Springall. Page 1. December 27, 1938
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Letter from Linus Pauling to H.D. Springall. Page 2. December 27, 1938
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Associated: Charles Coryell, Leslie E. Sutton, Maurice J. Schlatter, John Y. Beach, David P. Stevenson, Robert Corey, Gustav Albrecht, Henri A. Levy, Edward W. Hughes, Journal of the American Chemical Society, University of Oxford

ID: corr367.6-lp-springall-19381227

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