Letter from Linus Pauling to Lawrence Brockway. January 11, 1938

Pauling writes to tell Brockway that he has nominated him for the American Chemical Society Award. Pauling also notes that he is interested in the possibility of E. O. Lawrence succeeding Rutherford and asks Brockway if he would be interested in a job in the Chemical department at the University of Rochester.  View Transcript

Letter from Linus Pauling to Lawrence Brockway. Page 1. January 11, 1938
Page 1

Associated: Ernest Rutherford, Arthur J. Stosick, Alexander Todd, Dorothy Wrinch, American Chemical Society, N.V. Sidgwick, Ernest O. Lawrence, Alan C. Valentine, Paul C. Cross, J. A. A. Ketelaar, Rockefeller Foundation, University of Oxford, University of Rochester

ID: corr31.11-lp-brockway-19380111

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