Letter from Linus Pauling to Ermon D. Eastman. January 20, 1936

Pauling writes that he is sending the manuscript from Urey along with a letter from him and a letter from Rodebush for Eastman's review. He discusses the possible options for responding to Rodebush's treatment of the third law of thermodynamics in light of Pauling and Eastman's own work. Pauling briefly discusses Ava Helen Pauling's return from Oregon and the health of her mother, noting that a future trip to Oregon may interfere with a stay at Berkley.  View Transcript

Letter from Linus Pauling to Ermon D. Eastman. Page 1. January 20, 1936
Page 1

Associated: Harold Urey, Worth H. Rodebush, Chemical Reviews

ID: corr106.1-lp-eastman-19360120

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