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Siegrist, Mary, May 4, 1947

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May 4, 1947

Dr. Albert Einstein Princeton New Jersey

Dear Dr. Einstein:

Most deeply I appreciate and thank you for your letter with its solemn warning of the world's threatened catastrophe, and affirming the great educational task to which your Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists is pledged. It is a privilege to help your great Movement in whatever way I am able. Surely the prophetic truth of your words is becoming apparent to all who have not already become deeply aware. Thus we have cause for deep thanksgiving that you, honored Scientist, and your devoted Colleagues, have undertaken this "inescapaple responsibility - to "carry to the people of the world an aroused understanding, leading, as we hope, to strict control of atomic energy and its use for purely constructive purposes." Truly the consciousness responds that "in this lies our only security and our only hope."

In the United World Magazine, of which I am an associate Editor, I have written an article relating to this subject. Dr. Pantaleone, Editor, and Founder of the United world Movement, has written a brilliant editorial on the constructive uses of Atomic energy. I should like to send you, if I may do so, under separate cover, copy of our Magazine.

I am re-enclosing subscription blank, with my small contribution. Although I am troubled that it is so small, it represents, in my case, the "widow's mite", and so, I trust, may be acceptable. I had the privilege of serving on the original Panel Board of the Committee to Aid European Refugees. May I again offer the service of my mind and spirit in whatever way I can be of service to the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists?

With earnest hope for the worl's furure, and the continued carrying forward of the vast education program of your Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, I am,

Very sincerely yours,

Mary Siegrist Siegrist


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