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KOAC sign at 1962 State Fair

An encampment of Boy's and Girl's Club members from Jackson County at the 1914 Oregon State Fair.

Shown are the boy and girl health champions at 1949 Oregon State Fair. They are, left to right, Barbara Brown, 14, Corvallis, and Harold Brost, 11, Portland. There were 12 boy contestants and 14 girls.

Five division winners in 1951 style revue contest at State Fair. From left: Betty Jean Hill, 17, Coquille; Donna Minkoff, 14, Cascade Locks; Neva Goodrich, 16, Prineville; Cynthia Rukovina, 13, Medford; and Joanne Thomson, 15, Portland, champion.

4-H club member, Donald Sheldon, exhibits his sheep at the Oregon State Fair.

Participants and their show dogs waiting to compete at the Oregon state fair.

Jess A. Hansen, Corvallis, of Hansen's Leghorn Farm, is shown presenting a prize cockerel to Marion county 4-H club member, Martha Harper Brooks. The cockrel was presented for the pen of best White Leghorn pullets at the 1948 State Fair.

Boys and Girls Pig Club exhibit at the Oregon State Fair.

Joan Yasui, Hood River 4-H member, demonstrates a dairy food casserole at the State Fair.