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Allen Thompson Oral History Interview, January 10, 2018

Oregon State University
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00:00:00 - Introduction

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Partial Transcript: Today is January 10th, 2018.

Segment Synopsis: Date and location of interview. Introduction of Dr. Allen Thompson, Professor in the School of History, Philosophy, and Religion. Introduction to focus of interview: research and global warming.

Keywords: Climate Change; School of History, Philosophy, and Religion

Subjects: Climatic changes--Research; Oregon State University. College of Liberal Arts

00:00:20 - Growing up near Chicago, Illinois

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Partial Transcript: Where were you born?

Segment Synopsis: Thompson discusses growing up outside of Chicago, Illinois. His father was a corporate attorney and while his mother was primarily a homemaker, she also worked and studied outside the home. He recounts outdoor experiences as a child, from visiting a family friend's farm to camping trips to exploring his neighborhood's natural areas.

Keywords: Growing up near Chicago, Illinois; Outdoor Childhood Experiences

Subjects: Illinois--Chicago Suburban Area; Outdoor recreation

00:02:45 - Evergreen State College

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Partial Transcript: What was your school experience like? Did you anticipate going to college or have people in your life encouraging you to do so?

Segment Synopsis: Thompson discusses coming from a cultural background that encouraged attending college following high school. He recalls losing interest in school at the high school level and barely graduating. He describes being conditionally accepted to Evergreen State College, and how the alternative university structure was a good fit for him. Thompson discusses the new cultural environment he found himself in. He reflects on how taking adult evening classes at Lake Forest College as a high school student influenced his interest in philosophy as an undergraduate student at Evergreen.

Keywords: Evergreen State College; Lake Forest College; Undergraduate Studies in Philosophy

Subjects: Evergreen State College; Lake Forest College; Philosophy--Study and teaching

00:07:09 - Graduate Studies at the University of Washington

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Partial Transcript: And you decided to pursue graduate studies after that experience at Evergreen?

Segment Synopsis: Thompson recounts his decision to pursue further academic studies in philosophy. He describes taking graduate courses at the University of Washington in Seattle to establish a grade-based transcript while he applied to graduate programs. He discusses being accepted to UW, completing a master's degree, and being invited to continue on to the PhD program. He reflects on returning to a more formal academic environment and on his experience as a graduate teaching assistant.

Keywords: Pursuing Graduate Studies in Philosophy; University of Washington. Department of Philosophy

Subjects: Philosophy--Study and teaching (Graduate); University of Washington. Department of Philosophy

00:12:06 - Shifting Focus to Environmental Ethics / Global Warming

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Partial Transcript: And your research- is that where you started to focus more on environmental ethics at that point? Or environmental philosophy?

Segment Synopsis: Thompson describes his graduate training in meta-ethical theory and the different events that led to him shifting focus to environmental ethics. Thompson discusses teaching an inaugural course in environmental ethics at UW as a graduate student. He recounts leaving his PhD program in 1999 to live on property near Durango, Colorado that he had purchased with friends. He describes the cooperative dynamic and how his plans to teach environmental ethics to schoolchildren on the land did not work out. Thompson discusses how the needs of his growing family led to him to return to academia to finish his PhD and teach philosophy at Fort Lewis College. He recalls applying to environmental ethics positions following a one-year appointment at Virginia Commonwealth University, and acquiring a tenure-track position at Clemson University in the field. He recalls his experience in applying to an environmental ethics position at Oregon State University after working at CU for six years. Thompson addresses how global warming became more culturally prominent during his career.

Keywords: Clemson University; Cooperative property and teaching; Durango, Colorado; Environmental ethics; Fort Lewis College; Oregon State University; Virginia Commonwealth University

Subjects: Clemson University; Colorado--Durango Region; Cooperative societies; Environmental ethics; Fort Lewis College; Oregon State University. College of Liberal Arts; Virginia Commonwealth University

00:20:52 - Oregon State University / Teaching

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Partial Transcript: What were your initial impressions of Oregon State? Of the institution and your department?

Segment Synopsis: Thompson relates feeling at home at a state school to his previous experiences studying and working at state schools. He describes the inter-disciplinary environment of OSU and how that affects his work in environmental ethics. Thompson discusses the undergraduate and graduate courses he teaches at OSU.

Keywords: Oregon State University. College of Liberal Arts; Teaching at Oregon State University

Subjects: Oregon State University. College of Liberal Arts

00:23:55 - Moral Responsibility and Global Warming

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Partial Transcript: How do you frame moral responsibility and global warming?

Segment Synopsis: Thompson describes the different forms of responsibility in society, clarifying how moral responsibility is traditionally defined. He discusses individual responsibility and aggregated responsibility in the context of climate change, and how assigning blame and social cost is complicated by a variety of factors. Thompson re-frames moral responsibility in this context as a virtue trait. He assesses current virtues associated with environmentalists and how these will need to shift in response to the ecological future.

Keywords: Environmentalist Virtues; Moral Responsibility and Global Warming; Virtue Ethics

Subjects: Environmentalists--Attitudes; Global warming--Social aspects; Responsibility; Virtue

00:44:41 - Novel Ecosystems

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Partial Transcript: Can you talk more about novel ecosystems, and, I guess, compare them to classical ecological restoration?

Segment Synopsis: Thompson discusses how early environmental philosophers framed nature, and how ideas around ecological restoration have evolved over time. He describes how human-impacted ecosystems will rebound over time, but may look and function differently from previous compositions. He challenges traditional management attitudes toward altered ecosystems and proposes valuing these novel ecosystems differently. Thompson discusses how ecologists' reception of this idea has improved over the past six years.

Keywords: Ecosystem management; Novel Ecosystems

Subjects: Ecosystem management

00:54:57 - Collaborating with Scientists

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Partial Transcript: Given your collaborative work with people in a variety of disciplines, what has your experience been like in communicating with scientists as a philosopher?

Segment Synopsis: Thompson discusses how his work with the scientific community bridges policy and societal values with research that avoids bias. He describes the limitations of communicating philosophical ideas to non-philosophers.

Keywords: Communicating Philosophy; Philosophical and Scientific Collaboration

Subjects: Communication in science--Social aspects

00:59:35 - Rachel Carson Fellowship

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Partial Transcript: What has your experience been as a Carson Fellow?

Segment Synopsis: Thompson describes his fellowship with the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society at the Universitat Munchen. He discusses the uniqueness of being a philosopher in a largely environmental humanities program, and interdisciplinary dynamic. He reflects on how the experience of living in Germany was positive for his children.

Keywords: Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society; Rachel Carson Fellowship

Subjects: Fellowship

01:02:27 - Broader Climate Change Discussion / Conclusion

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Partial Transcript: Now I'll move on to some broader questions around climate change. What were your earliest conversations on climate change like and how have they shifted over time?

Segment Synopsis: Thompson discusses broader aspects of climate change with respect to communication, collaboration, policy, and education. He recalls how early conversations on climate change in the US legitimatized climate change denial, and how the discussion has transformed over time. He contextualizes these conversations within environmental philosophy. Thompson describes the collaborative work on climate change occurring at OSU, within the sciences (such as Climate Impacts Research Consortium and Northwest Climate Science Center), and within communication, law, and policy groups. He explains funding sources within academia and that he does not expect to be impacted by diminished funds to climate change research. Thompson discusses shifts to policy that he would like to see, such as US participation in the Paris Accord and putting a price on carbon. He describes hope in the context of climate change, the idea of radical hope, and how people could shift their perception around the future of the planet.

Keywords: Climate Change; Global Warming; Radical Hope

Subjects: Climatic changes--Social aspects; Global warming