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Erik Frank Oral History Interview, September 7, 2018

Oregon State University
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00:00:04 - Introduction

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Partial Transcript: All right. Hi. My name is Eric French. Today's date is September 7th, 2018. We are sitting here in the offices at Deschutes Brewery, and I was born on April 8th, 1974.

Segment Synopsis: Frank discusses his childhood in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He talks about his family background and his childhood interests, including sports. He notes that his father was a doctor and that his mother was a nurse until he and his brother were born, at which point she became a stay-at-home mom.

00:03:47 - Memories of the Boy Scouts

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Partial Transcript: And you mentioned Boy Scouts. Did you do that all the way through?

Segment Synopsis: Frank discusses his experience in the Boy Scouts and its impact on his life. Both he and his brother are Eagle Scouts, and participated in the organization for the entirety of their childhood and adolescence. Frank notes that he feels he learned a lot as a Boy Scout, both in terms of practical skills and moral values. He also describes his Eagle Scout project, whic involved testing homes for dangerous levels of radon.

00:13:50 - Childhood Academics

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Partial Transcript: What were your favorite subjects in school? Did you like school?

Segment Synopsis: Frank states that he enjoyed school as a child, as he loved learning and generally did well academically. He also notes that he was interested in theatre and other creative subjects, and participated in school plays. In discussing his high school experience, Frank says that he began to find subjects like chemistry more challenging, but that he still enjoyed school and loved learning.

00:17:24 - Early College Experiences

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Partial Transcript: Were those things you thought about continuing on in college, or…

Segment Synopsis: Frank was admitted to Pennsylvania State University, which he attended for three terms before transferring to a community college. He states that he loved his experience at community college, found the subjects to be interesting, and that the professors were passionate. He notes that he took many classes in a variety of subjects, and that he feels that expecting eighteen year olds to declare a major is impractical.

00:24:44 - Interest in Anthropology

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Partial Transcript: And what finally really interested me was anthropology. That was the light bulb that went off and I said, this is the discipline I can get into.

Segment Synopsis: After exploring a series of different subjects in college, Frank took an anthropology course that he greatly enjoyed. He explains that he began to focus his studies on anthropology, and participated in a cultural anthropology trip to Mexico. He describes that trip, and notes that it influenced many of his post-college interests.

00:31:43 - Final Years of College

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Partial Transcript: Did you go on to complete a degree in anthropology?

Segment Synopsis: Frank discusses his final years of college, noting that he and his counselor created a major path that allowed him to take anthropology, religious studies, and history courses. He notes that due to personal circumstances, he never formally finished his degree, but that he still feels he learned a great deal and that it has benefited him throughout his life.

00:36:38 - First Memories of Beer

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Partial Transcript: What was your first memory of beer? Do you remember drinking craft beer?

Segment Synopsis: Frank talks about his first memories of drinking beer. He states that neither he nor his friends drank a lot in high school, so he first began drinking beer when he was about eighteen to twenty-one. He notes that craft beer was not popular where he was living at the time, so most of the beers he drank were from large brands like Sam Adams and Sierra Nevada. He also began going to bars and pubs with his friends, where his interest in beer and brewing really began to develop.

00:43:36 - First Experiences with the Brewing Industry

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Partial Transcript: So you said that you you know, were on a beer odyssey from that point. Did you ever think you'd end up in the beer industry?

Segment Synopsis: Frank states that he didn’t imagine he’d end up working in the beer industry. He hadn’t pursued any studies that would have led him to that field, and it wasn’t a viable career option where he was living. He explains that he first began to think of the beer industry as a possible place of work when he visited Pittsburgh and saw some of the breweries there. He talks about the breweries he visited and some of the people he met, who helped to develop his interest in beers.

00:53:30 - Working at Breweries

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Partial Transcript: You were serving there?

Segment Synopsis: Frank explains that he first started in the brewing industry as a server in Pittsburgh. However, he wanted to advance his career, so he decided to move to Oregon where he felt there were better opportunities in brewing, and where some of his friends had previously moved. He talks about working a server at breweries in Oregon, noting that he enjoyed it, but that it didn’t pay enough, so he took on other part-time jobs to supplement his income.

01:04:43 - Different Roles and Positions Working at Breweries

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Partial Transcript: So you started as a host, and then did you work your way up in the pub?

Segment Synopsis: Frank talks about the different positions he has held at breweries. He reiterates that he began as a server before becoming a part-time tour guide at breweries. He provides anecdotes about his memories of working as a tour guide and states that it helped him develop his public speaking skills. After working as a tour guide, he was placed in charge of running a newly created tasting room, and finally settled in the marketing department.

01:17:14 - Marketing in the Brewing Industry

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Partial Transcript: And are you now in the marketing department?

Segment Synopsis: Frank continues to work in marketing and sales at Deschutes Brewing. He describes his job, which entails travelling to advertise and sell the brewery’s products to distributors and retailers. He recalls his participation in different beer festivals, and provides anecdotes about some of his favorite memories from festivals.

01:25:26 - Creation of the Education Program

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Partial Transcript: That’s really where the education program here at the brewery was born.

Segment Synopsis: Frank discusses the creation of an educational program at Deschutes Brewery that seeks to promote greater understanding of the brewing process and beer sales among producers, retailers, distributors, and consumers. He talks about the structure of the program and the experience of founding it.

01:35:46 - Reflections on Changes in the Brewing Industry

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Partial Transcript: What do you think has been the largest cultural shift in 30 years, or in the course of your time here?

Segment Synopsis: Frank talks about the different trends in brewing over the past thirty years. He discusses some of the popular flavor profiles that were produced, and discusses consumer preferences. He also notes that in his view it’s important to be intentional about the development of a company, rather than being solely driven by trends.

01:41:21 - Reflections on Deschutes Brewery

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Partial Transcript: So what does 30 years mean to you? What's this like? What's important about 30 years?

Segment Synopsis: Frank talks about some the struggles and triumphs he experienced at Deschutes Brewing over the decades he worked there. He notes that he’s proud of the company’s output and success, and is optimistic about the future.

01:46:53 - Favorite Deschutes Brewery Beers

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Partial Transcript: So what's your favorite Deschutes beer?

Segment Synopsis: Frank states that while he has difficulty choosing, bachelor beer is his favorite of the beers produced at Deschutes Brewing. He also talks about some of his other favorite beers, both those produced by Deschutes Brewing and those produced by other breweries.

01:51:22 - Favorite Memories in Brewing

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Partial Transcript: Any favorite memories?

Segment Synopsis: Frank offers a variety of personal anecdotes, including some of his favorite memories of close friends and co-workers in the brewing industry, different festivals that he attended, and meeting other brewers he admires.