Oregon State University Libraries and Press

Mina Carson Interview on the History of HST 368, January 29, 2020

Oregon State University
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00:00:00 - Introduction

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Partial Transcript: Now, the focus of this interview will be to explore the history of the Oregon State University course, History 368 - Lesbian and Gay Movements in Modern America, which you currently teach. So, to begin the interview, could you please state your name and spell it out loud?

Segment Synopsis: The purpose of the interview is shared and Mina Carson briefly introduces herself

Keywords: gay; history; lesbian

00:00:46 - Introduction to the course

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Partial Transcript: So to get started, can we talk about the current course, the course as it is. Could you please describe the course as you currently teach it?

Segment Synopsis: Mina reflects on how the course has changed over time. She shares that a focus of the course is still on talking about the agency of LGBTQ+ people and communities. She also shares details about course format, activities, readings, learning material, classroom discussions and others aspects of the course structure. She also touches on the historical background of the course and how it came into being.

Keywords: activities; agency; assignments; course structure; discussion; ecampus; history; movements; oppression; queer

00:11:25 - Sociopolitical context in the early stages of the course's development

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Partial Transcript: Going back a little bit to the beginnings, in terms of the course development, was there push-back or support from your colleagues and administration at the time?

Segment Synopsis: Mina talks about the political and social context that the course emerged in. She shares that while the course took shape during the years of the queerphobic Oregon Citizens Alliance ballot measure, the course received support from the campus.

Mina also talks about the personal experiences and difficulties of coming out as an instructor of this course. She highlights the importance of students knowing that there are faculty that are willing to be out.

Keywords: After 8; Oregon Citizens Alliance; ballot measures; civil rights; coming out

00:19:00 - Early students' attitudes about the course

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Partial Transcript: Do you recall the initial student reaction to course, especially in those early years?

Segment Synopsis: Mina shares some of her apprehensions and fears regarding students' responses to the course when it first started. She shares that she has been stunned and delighted by the students' support for the course throughout its history.

00:21:22 - The influence of similar programs/courses across the nation

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Partial Transcript: Going back just a little bit to the development of the course, in the early years when you were developing the course and teaching it, were there other courses like this at other states or national universities? Were you inspired and influenced by others?

Segment Synopsis: Mina talks about the history of the course in relation to other similar programs across the United States.

00:22:55 - Connection to Difference, Power, and Discrimination (DPD)

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Partial Transcript: So in the early 90s / mid 90s, something else that was happening on campus was the establishment of the Difference, Power and, Discrimination (DPD) program. Can you talk about that program briefly and its connection specifically to this course?

Segment Synopsis: Mina talks the course's relationship and connection to the Difference, Power and, Discrimination (DPD) program.

Keywords: DPD; Differene, Power and, Discriminiation; Ecampus; difference; discrimination; power

00:25:03 - Frequency of the course being offered

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Partial Transcript: Over the 25 years, were you typically teaching this course once an academic year? And how about in person versus online?

Segment Synopsis: Mina talks about how often the course has been offered over time.

Keywords: Ecampus

00:26:03 - Number of students in the course

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Partial Transcript: And the class size tends to be in the 20 student range you mentioned earlier?

Segment Synopsis: Mina talks about how class size has changed over the course's history and how class size affects the course.

Keywords: class size

00:27:52 - Sociopolitical climate's influence on teaching of the course

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Partial Transcript: Over the years, can you share a little bit more about how the sociopolitical climate of the time period - for example, the 90s, the 2000s, the 2010s - have effected what you teach and how you teach?

Segment Synopsis: Mina talks about her personal growth as an educator and how her own personal life has shaped her teaching. Mina also touches on particular events in history such as the anti-queer ballot measures, the Lesbian Avengers, the murder of Matthew Shepard and Gay Marriage. She also talks about how the course has addressed trans politics.

Keywords: Lesbian Avengers; Matthew Shepard; sociopolitical; teaching; trans; transgender

00:32:48 - Students' impact on the course

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Partial Transcript: Could you share a little bit more about, over the years, how the students have changed, how they've impacted you, and how they've pushed you to adapt?

Segment Synopsis: Mina talks about how students have shaped the course. She briefly touches on the influence of the Corvallis Lesbian Avengers. She talks about how students have challenged her to grow, and shares specific examples of such interactions with students.

Keywords: Lesbian Avengers; military

00:36:40 - Students' transformative experiences

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Partial Transcript: Have you experienced, in some cases, students having transformative experiences in the class?

Segment Synopsis: Mina talks about how students views are sometimes transformed or changed by the course. She also touches on the experiences of students who take the course to learn how to be better allies or are questioning.

00:38:37 - Teaching philosophy and personal life

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Partial Transcript: Can you share a little bit more about how your personal experiences and identities shape the way you teach, and how the course has impacted your life personally?

Segment Synopsis: Mina describes her teaching style and philosophy. She shares that she strives to be inclusive, open and make people comfortable with talking with her and each other. She also shares that this course has more of a focus on historiography.

00:43:12 - Sources and scholarship used in the course

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Partial Transcript: Over the years, have you had to adapt and choose different sources for the students, and how has that worked?

Segment Synopsis: Mina talks about the kinds of sources and scholarship that are included in the course. She shares some of he particular sources she has used in her course.

Keywords: history; sources

00:47:10 - Teaching online versus teaching in-person

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Partial Transcript: Can you describe a little bit more about how teaching the course online differs from teaching it in person?

Segment Synopsis: Mina talks about how the online and in-person versions of the course are different or similar. She touches on readings, activities, learning materials, course structure and discussions. She describes how her training as a clinical social worker has shaped parts of her shaping style. She also describes how her teaching style has changed over the years from a lecture style to a more interactive and discussion based one.

00:51:22 - Personal and professional changes

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Partial Transcript: Are there any experiences you had that you recall being challenging, both personally or professionally for you?

Segment Synopsis: Mina talks about some of the difficulties and challenging experiences and aspects of teaching the course.

00:53:00 - Fondest memories of teaching

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Partial Transcript: What about some of your fondest memories teaching the course?

Segment Synopsis: Mina shares some of her fondest memories and experiences of teaching the course. Mina says that doing the oral history project has been one of her most fondest memories.

00:54:44 - Changing the course name

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Partial Transcript: Thinking about plans for the future, you briefly talked about this in the beginning, the name of the course - "Lesbian and Gay Movements in Modern America". Would you like to see the name changed, and if so, to what?

Segment Synopsis: Mina talks about the future name of this course. She shares that she is seeking input from her students regarding the name. Her own notion is to change it to "Queer History of the United States". She describes how the current name might give the impression that the course does not focus on trans or non-binary people.

Keywords: course title

00:56:15 - Future of the course

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Partial Transcript: What happens when you retire? What are your hopes for the future of the course?

Segment Synopsis: Mina says that she will continue to teach the course online as long as her unit continues to hire her to do that. She also talks about the possible future of the oral history project. She hopes that the oral history project persists after she leaves.