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Metzin Aketzali Rodríguez Cardoso Oral History Interview, May 21, 2021

Oregon State University
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00:00:19 - Introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Please introduce yourself

Segment Synopsis: Metzin Aketzali Rodríguez Cardoso explains that she is from Mexico and has a long name, due to the Mexican tradition of having both parents last names

Keywords: Mexico; Surnames

00:01:28 - Childhood in Mexico

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What was your childhood in Mexico like?

Segment Synopsis: Metzin was born and raised 3 hours outside Mexico City. She immigrated to Oregon at the age of 14, and is now a student at Oregon State University

Keywords: Immigration; Mexico City; Oregon State University

00:02:36 - Admission to OSU

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Partial Transcript: How did you end up at OSU?

Segment Synopsis: Metzin was interested in engineering and was worried about not feeling like she belonged at OSU. She joined the Cultural Ambassador Conversant Program, which gave her a sense of belonging and was important in securing her return to OSU during her second year.

Keywords: Cultural Ambassador Conversant Program; Engineering; OSU; Oregon State University

00:03:47 - Family Background

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What does your family do?

Segment Synopsis: Metzin's mom works in shrimp packing, her dad works in logging, her sister is at OSU, and her brother is in high school.

Keywords: Fisheries; Fishery; Logging; Oregon State University; Shrimping

00:04:49 - Fitting in at OSU

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Partial Transcript: Have you ever felt alone at OSU?

Segment Synopsis: Metzin expressed having dealt with imposter syndrome as an engineering student at OSU and dealing with a predominantly White and competitive environment. Mentors and cohorts in the first year helped motivate her to switch to Agricultural Sciences.

Keywords: Agricultural Sciences; Cohort; Community; Imposter Syndrome; OSU; Oregon State University

00:08:45 - Imposter Syndrome and Race

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How did imposter syndrome play out?

Segment Synopsis: Metzin expressed dealing with imposter syndrome in engineering, made worse when she compared herself to White students who were not struggling. She joined SACNAS, which supported her move to agricultural sciences and has been more sensitive to race issues. She feels more comfortable in this cohort, where BLM and the January 6 riot are given a space to be talked about between students.

Keywords: BLM; Black Lives Matter; Imposter Syndrome; Riot; SACNAS; STEM; Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science

00:13:45 - Support for POC students in the humanities and STEM at OSU

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Partial Transcript: Do you feel a difference in support and sensitivity to race issues in the humanities versus STEM?

Segment Synopsis: Metzin feels plenty of support from her Ag. Science mentors but also credits clubs and organizations with giving her additional comfort at OSU. She states that pursuing clubs that relate to her interests and passion as being important to self-care and avoiding burn out.

Keywords: Agricultural Sciences; College Clubs

00:18:13 - Clubs and Organizations

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Partial Transcript: What clubs and organizations are you part of?

Segment Synopsis: Metzin joined MANRRS, which supports minorities pursuing a degree in Ag. Science. This group has helped her develop professionally, brought her to conferences, and introduced her to future career possibilities. She also served as a tour guide for OSU prospective students, and is currently the Vice President of the student body at OSU

Keywords: ASOSU; California; Hawaii; MANRRS; Minorities in Agricultural and Natural Resources and Related Sciences; Office of Admissions; Peace Corps

00:22:30 - Networking at OSU

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How has networking influenced your time at OSU?

Segment Synopsis: Metzin decided to run under a dual-Latina ticket as the VP candidate for ASOSU. She was inspired from her talks with different students at OSU, and wanted to offer more representation at the university.

Keywords: ASOSU; Campaign Running; Latina; Women of Color

00:26:16 - Women of Color in Leadership

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Partial Transcript: What has been your experience as a WOC in leadership?

Segment Synopsis: Metzin learned how important representation is at all levels of leadership once she began her campaign. She also learned how to separate herself from her racial identity, and also knowing when it could not be separated from her. She speaks of gaining inspiration from WOC in leadership like AOC and women at the Oscars.

Keywords: AOC; Identity; Inclusivity; WOC

00:30:47 - Dual-Latina ASOSU Ticket

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Partial Transcript: How did OSU respond to the first dual-Latina leadership?

Segment Synopsis: Metzin discusses her experience as a VP who was investigated by the school, and how this relates to other forms of backlash in elections, such as the voter suppression in Georgia in 2018. She looks to movements like BLM and Stop the Asian Hate for guidance on how to build alliances that are fruitful.

Keywords: BLM; Intersectionality; Latina; Stop the Asian Hate; Voter Suppression

00:35:56 - OSU Treatment of POC Leadership

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Partial Transcript: Can you explain what happened with the investigation?

Segment Synopsis: OSU investigated Metzi and the ASOSU President over allegations of misconduct. Metzi states that she received overwhelming community support from students, faculty, and staff who were shocked at the double standards and upset at the way OSU was treating WOC in leadership. This has not changed her feelings towards OSU, and she continues to be optimistic about the university.

Keywords: ASOSU; Discrimination

00:41:45 - Reaction to the Investigation

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Do you think the investigation was an overreach?

Segment Synopsis: Metzin asserts that the investigation was an overreach and subjected her to racism and microaggressions that left her feeling sad and betrayed. She worries this has sent a discouraging message to students of color who would have pursued leadership positions otherwise.

Keywords: Boundaries; Microaggression; Racism

00:46:07 - Public Nature of the Investigation and its History

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How did the public nature of the investigation affect you, would it have been the same 10 years ago?

Segment Synopsis: Metzi will not comment on the motivation or intentions of the public investigation, but finds hope in how the community banded together in support. Metzi discusses how the first Pacific Islander ASOSU president had been impeached 10 years prior, Tonga Hopoi, another WOC in leadership.

Keywords: Impeachment; Pacific Islander; Tonga Hopoi; WOC

00:51:14 - Perception of the OSU Latinx Community Today

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How has your own experience regarding identity changed the way you view the Latinx community at OSU?

Segment Synopsis: Metzin continues to be proud of her Latina identity, but has been exposed to very different Latinx experiences. She states that her experience varies from others, who may not speak Spanish, or come from other Latinx countries. Her relationship to Latinx community members has grown, now that she knows more Latinx people outside of just those of Mexican origin.

Keywords: Bilingual; Immigration; Mexico; Pride

00:53:51 - Latinx Communities in Oregon

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How would you describe the Latinx community in Oregon, and how do you keep your relationship to it?

Segment Synopsis: Metzin finds that language continues to be a barrier in Oregon, and sees how students and parents at all education levels struggle to find translation services. She likes to serve as a translator when possible. Metzin also minored in Spanish at OSU in order to retain her language, and also to learn academic-level Spanish so that she can communicate at all levels. She continues to spend summers in Mexico as well, to maintain a relationship with her family and culture.

Keywords: Bilingual; Linguistics; Mexico; Spanish

01:00:38 - Metzin's Legacy at OSU

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Partial Transcript: What is your legacy?

Segment Synopsis: Metzin wanted to serve as a Latina VP to bring representation and diversity to the student leadership, and also to be an inspiration to others who may be hesitant to running. She has helped build networks and communities in her time at OSU and hopes to see others benefit from it.

Keywords: ASOSU; Diversity; Latina

01:02:55 - Final Thoughts (Puerto Rico)

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Any final thoughts?

Segment Synopsis: Metzin encourages others to share their stories if comfortable, you may be helping someone. Metzin also shares about visiting interviewer Patricia Hernandez-Ortiz's hometown of Maya West, Puerto Rico through a school trip.

Keywords: Maya West; Puerto Rico; San Juan; San Sebastian