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Froggi VanRiper Oral History Interview, February 12, 2020

Oregon State University
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00:00:00 - Growing up in Northern Virginia

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What was it like to grow up in the midwest and how did you get the name Froggi?

Segment Synopsis: Froggi discusses growing up in Northern Virginia in the country and how she spent the majority of her time outdoors or with animals. She tells the story of how she got the name "Frog" which evolved into "Froggi."

Keywords: Frog; Froggi; Northern Virginia; Ramona; animals; country; critters; forest; midwest; rural; spending time outside; suburban; wildlife center

00:02:08 - Love for the Environment in Formative Years

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What was your formative education like and have you always had a passion for science and the environment?

Segment Synopsis: Froggi discusses where her love of nature and the environment came from and the experiences that enriched it.

Keywords: animals; being a loner; bug catching; camping; critters; early teachers; engage with wildlife; extracurricular activities; friend's dad; hiking; hunting frogs; hunting salamanders; into the woods; outdoors; parents; plants; playground; pond; science club

00:04:42 - Undergraduate Years of College

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What were your undergraduate years of college like and what were your aspirations at the time?

Segment Synopsis: Froggi discusses her interests while in college and her experiences starting her biology education at Principia College in Illinois.

Keywords: Principia College; banding birds; biology; double major; ecology; fond experiences; foreign languages; international work; major in biology; minor in language; natural resources degree; religious family; smokey mountain natural park; specimens; st. louis; starting behind peers; taxidermy; trimester system; wildlife center

00:08:13 - Growing up with religious parents

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What was it like for you to be so interested in biology and want to pursue that but have a family that didn't quite believe in that?

Segment Synopsis: Froggi discusses how her religious parents kept her out of high school biology because of its medical science aspects but says her parents did not hinder her dreams related to ecology and the environment. The recording is interrupted by Sir Charles, Froggi's cat.

Keywords: Cat; Cat interruption; Sir Charles; ecology; high school biology; medical science; religious parents

00:09:32 - Teaching High School biology

Play segment

Partial Transcript: You spent four years teaching high school biology. How did this experience shape you?

Segment Synopsis: Froggi discusses the things she learned teaching high school biology.

Keywords: development; differentiated learning styles; high school; know, understand, do; learning curve; multiple intelligences; recognizing strengths; teaching techniques; working with kids

00:14:32 - Choosing to go to Sweden

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Why did you choose to go back to school in Sweden?

Segment Synopsis: Froggi discusses why she decided to attend a sustainability graduate program in Linkoping, Sweden.

Keywords: Sweden; graduate programs; international students; linkoping; sustainability; sustainable development

00:17:01 - Experiencing Life Abroad in Sweden

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How was our experience living abroad in general, aside from education?

Segment Synopsis: Froggi discusses being foreign to a new culture and not knowing simple things like how to buy butter. She discusses the relationship people have with nature in Sweden and how is reflected in the layouts of their cities. She discusses how cars are unnecessary and most people cycle or use the bus system.

Keywords: Sir Charles; bicycling; bus system; butter; challenges; city architecture; climate; cooking butter; culture shock; cycling; friends; gardening group; knitting group; language; rail train; relationship with nature; snow plows; train; transportation system; wildlife

00:21:57 - Moving Back to Illinois

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What was is like to move to Illinois after living abroad and what was that change like?

Segment Synopsis: Froggi discusses working on a farm upon her return to the United States. Froggi discusses how strange it was to adjust to life with cars again and how cautious she felt.

Keywords: academia; big change; big changes; careful; careful driving; cautious driver; cultural transition; farm; farm life; hard work; isolation; new license; new partner; taking things for granted; working on a farm

00:28:00 - Meeting her current husband

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What was it like to go to Sweden and come home with a new partner?

Segment Synopsis: Froggi discusses the strangeness of going to Sweden and coming back with a new partner, and how her friends and family adjusted.

Keywords: abrupt; religious community; sudden change; supportive; weird

00:29:11 - Coming to Oregon State

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What made you decide to go from Illinois to attending Oregon State to obtain your Ph.D.?

Segment Synopsis: Froggi discusses her decision to attend OSU to obtain her PhD.

Keywords: applied to PhD program; returning to academia; searching for a job; sustainability

00:30:48 - Environmental Studies Graduate Program

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What are your feelings toward the environmental studies graduate program at Oregon State University and what has it been like to be a student here?

Segment Synopsis: Froggi discusses how the environmental studies graduate program has no department and lacks the structures necessary to support it. She discusses how there are a lack of funds for graduate students and working as a graduate student employee has been unpredictable. Froggi praises the faculty on her committee and her advisors.

Keywords: committee; critiques; crossing departmental boundaries; departments; difficulty; faculty; individual advisors; interdisciplinary education; interdisciplinary program; interim director; lack of funds for program; no department; no structure for program; scavenging for funding; stress; struggling; ten year review of program

00:35:27 - Experiences as a Graduate Student

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Do you feel that your resources that the University provides you as a graduate student have been lacking?

Segment Synopsis: Froggi discusses a lack of resources and a living wage for graduate employees.

Keywords: 4 year contract; CGE; Coalition of Graduate Employees; bargaining; lab classes delivered by graduate employees; negotiating; no living wage; non affordable housing; rent increase

00:37:24 - Bargaining as a member of the Coalition of Graduate Employees

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Could you talk more about what bargaining is?

Segment Synopsis: Froggi discusses the process of bargaining and some of the things CGE is bargaining for.

Keywords: OSU workforce; President's salary; administrators vs. educators; allocation of funds; articles; bargaining; childcare; disparity; final offer; fiscal responsibility; gender neutral bathrooms; institution; mutually accept; negotiating a new contract; power from the top; proposal for changes; representation; salary; solidarity; strike; testimony; union

00:41:33 - The Need for Healthcare and Housing for Graduate Employees

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Can you speak to the need for healthcare and housing among graduate employees?
Have you known anybody who has become houseless?
Do you believe there is a housing problem in Corvallis in general?
During bargaining has the university stated how they expect graduate students to pay for the housing they are building?

Segment Synopsis: Froggi discusses the problems of housing and how crisis can cause students to become houseless. She discusses how capping administrator salaries could help to raise wages for graduate students. She discusses how lack of affordable housing is a community issue.

Keywords: bargaining; cap administrator salaries; collective bargaining; community issues; comprehensive healthcare; dropping out; emergency fund; equity; expenses; hardship fund; homelessness; house pricing problem; houselessness; life crisis; living in debt; living out of a car; medical emergencies; paying rent; petition; pride in graduate employees; struggling; student loans; taking out loans; testimony; union

00:52:23 - The Emotions of Bargaining

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What is it like to sit in a bargaining room and listen to people tell their stories?
How do you the graduate students use humor to cope with the situation?
Could you describe bargaining bingo for me?

Segment Synopsis: Froggi discusses experiencing emotions as she hears people tell their stories and the lack of reactions from the OSU administrators. Froggi discusses the promotion of solidarity and good humor and the necessity of being one body and one whole as a union. Froggi discusses the way members participate and the structure of the organization.

Keywords: a body; a whole; articles; bargaining; bargaining bingo; bargaining team; bingo board; build solidarity; chance to participate; chants; collective action; demoralizing; hardship fund; membership; signs; solidarity; songs; stories; support; threat of strike; union

00:58:09 - Community Contributions

Play segment

Partial Transcript: You have held many leadership and community service positions in Corvallis. You were a vice chair for YouCAN Corvallis and a team member of the Corvallis sustainability coalition and a few other things, would you like to talk about that?

Segment Synopsis: Froggi discusses her role as a supporter of several community initiatives, including Habitat for Humanity.

Keywords: Benton Habitat for Humanity; Restore; Support for Housing; Youth Climate Action Now; action teams; climate recovery ordinance; climate secure future; composting services; recycling; recycling services; resources; reuse; role as supporter; support sustainibility; sustainibility

01:02:05 - CGE Housing Initiative

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Could you talk more about this housing initiative?

Segment Synopsis: Froggi discusses CGE housing initiative and the necessity of affordable housing for graduate students.

Keywords: budget of employees; housing goals; housing structures; investment in housing; stipends

01:03:22 - Philosophy of Sustainability

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Sustainability is very important to you. What does the word sustainability mean to you personally and how do you incorporate that philosophy into different parts of your life?

Segment Synopsis: Froggi discusses her views on sustainability.

Keywords: The Natural Step; absolutist; altruism; climate catastrophe; degrade; depleting; earth cycles; extended; extract; innovation; pollutants; reduce harm; sustainability; sustainable; sustainable development; technological optimism; undermining

01:08:25 - Day to Day Sustainability

Play segment

Partial Transcript: In your day to day life how do you incorporate sustainability?

Segment Synopsis: Froggi discusses how she attempts to live sustainably on an individual level but what is more important is to make changes at the systemic level.

Keywords: being constrained by the market; bicycling; buying sustainable products; change the system; creating systemic change; cycling; illusion of choice; impacts of purchases; impacts of transportation; minimize purchases; minimizing impact; reuse things; systemic problems; use things as long as possible; vegetarian

01:10:34 - Sustainability at OSU

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How do you feel about OSU's push for sustainability?

Segment Synopsis: Froggi discusses how if OSU hopes for genuine sustainability they must make systemic changes and divest from companies that support fossil fuels or weapons companies.

Keywords: action; divest; divest from fossil fuels; larger scale changes; paper straws

01:12:52 - Hobbies

Play segment

Partial Transcript: You have a wide range of hobbies. Which do you feel are important to your story?

Segment Synopsis: Froggi discusses how she likes to work with her hands.

Keywords: construction work; knitting; make and produce objects; make gifts; quilting; renovate; rewiring lamps; sewing

01:14:20 - Navigating Gender

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How do you feel about gender?

Segment Synopsis: Froggi discusses her feminism.

Keywords: agency; beliefs; domestic roles; feminist; gender equity; making choices; perspectives; pursuing degrees; radical feminism; traditional roles

01:17:42 - The Influence of Gender

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Have you ever felt that you were limited by your gender? Have you ever felt discriminated against?

Segment Synopsis: Froggi discusses how some spaces felt unwelcoming throughout her education and career.

Keywords: hardware stores; high school; hostile environments; infrastructure; natural resources; proving yourself; spaces; technology; trade program