Oregon State University Libraries and Press

Marie Harvey Oral History Interview, February 25, 2020

Oregon State University
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00:00:25 - Early Life

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Could you tell us where you were born and where you grew up?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Harvey was born in Vancouver, Washington. When she was four years old, her and her family moved to rural Oregon outside Prineville.

Keywords: Eastern Oregon; Fossil, Oregon; Mitchell, Oregon; Prineville, Oregon; Ranch; Vancouver, Washington

00:00:47 - Living on a Ranch

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Could you tell us where you were born and where you grew up?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Harvey shares that she grew up on a 25,000 acre ranch. It was mainly alfalfa, sagebrush, and cattle. She attended a one-room schoolhouse with eight grades and one teacher.

Keywords: Ranch; acres; alfalfa; cattle; elementary school; one-room school house; outhouse; plumbing; sagebrush; school

00:01:26 - Moving to the Willamette Valley

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Could you tell us where you were born and where you grew up?

Segment Synopsis: Harvey shares when she moved to the Willamette Valley, right outside of Salem. Her family lived on a farm and grew vegetables. She upgraded from a one-room schoolhouse to a two-room schoolhouse with two teachers.

Keywords: Independence, Oregon; Salem, Oregon; Truck farm; Willamette Valley; rural; schoolhouse; vegetables

00:02:06 - Impacts of rural farm life

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Could you tell us where you were born and where you grew up?

Segment Synopsis: Harvey reflects on how growing up on a farm and ranch with three other sisters influenced her perspective on society. Gender roles were not enforced in her household; she was taught and felt that women could do anything they wanted. She observed how hardworking her parents were, and how "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" was not a realistic phrase.

Keywords: bread; churned butter; daughters; farm; gender roles; hardwork; hay; lessons; parents; poor; ranch; rode horses; rural; sons

00:04:14 - Family Dynamic

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Could you go into detail about what your family dynamic was like?

Segment Synopsis: Harvey recounts her close-knit family and how they worked together on the farm and ranch.

Harvey was not particularly interested in showing animals on the farm or ranch, but mentions that they did have 4H. She enjoyed reading and playing card games with her family. They did not have a television or radio.

Keywords: 4H; board games; close family; close knit; family; horses; loving; poor; reading; sisters; united; worked together

00:06:59 - Junior High and High School

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Partial Transcript: Where did you go to middle school and high school, and what was your high school experience like?

Segment Synopsis: Harvey transitioned from a small one-room schoolhouse to a larger middle school and a much larger high school. Her and her sisters were expected to work hard in school; this was not a problem for Dr. Harvey as she loves learning. She was a cheerleader in high school, as that was the only sport offered for female students. For dress code, girls could only wear skirts or dresses and they had to at least be knee-length.

Keywords: Salem, Oregon; South Salem High School; athletic; cheerleader; dress code; high school; honors; junior high; large school; learning; middle school; reading; skirts

00:11:05 - Attending the University of Puget Sound

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Partial Transcript: Did anyone specific influence your decision to attend college?

Segment Synopsis: Harvey was encouraged by her parents and siblings to attend college. She chose the University of Puget Sound because she wanted to attend a smaller university, and the campus reminded her of Willamette University. Her high school counselor never highly encouraged her to go to college, which could have been because her family was poor.

Keywords: University of Puget Sound; college; private school; scholarship; university

00:13:36 - College experience: Dress code, Greek life, & Curfew

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What was your overall college experience like?

Segment Synopsis: Harvey shares the dress code for women in the 1960s, how she joined a sorority and later withdrew, and the 10:00 PM curfew for female students on campus. This was a coming-of-age time for Dr. Harvey; she rebelled against sexist rules and helped female students sneak in past curfew.

Keywords: curfew; dorm; dress code; dresses; greek life; late; sex; skirts; sorority

00:17:55 - European History major & Studying Abroad

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Partial Transcript: Did you ever feel pressured to major in a more traditional female field during that time (i.e. home economics, or secretarial science)?

Segment Synopsis: Harvey recounts studying abroad in Europe instead of student teaching. Studying abroad was a second turning point in her life. This opportunity allowed her to experience new cultures, art, music, and she felt more independent.

Keywords: Europe; European history; Rome; Vienna; art; history; music; psychology; scholarships; student teaching; study abroad; teach; work study

00:21:22 - Gender Differences in University

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Partial Transcript: Did you feel like your professors treated you the same as your male counterparts?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Harvey talks about how she did not get very much encouragement to go on to graduate school compared to her male peers. She mentions a gender difference during that time where men were encouraged to attend graduate school while women were encouraged to find their husband in college. Near the end of her undergraduate time she recalls that female students were given dorm key cards (with parent permission) to stay out past curfew.

Keywords: European history; curfew; diamond ring; dorm; engineering; graduate school; husband; key; law school; parent permission; professor; student; undergraduate

00:25:03 - Living in California & attending Graduate School

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Partial Transcript: What did you do after graduating from college?

Segment Synopsis: Harvey recounts moving to Los Angeles since she wanted to experience a big city, and she had friends and an aunt living there. She found a job working for LA County Department of Social Services and she noticed how women were getting pregnant at very young ages. Four years later she worked for Planned Parenthood and other clinics to deal with unintended pregnancies. Later she worked for Cal State Fullerton Student Health Center as their contraceptive and problem pregnancy counselor; she was also invited by the biology department to teach a human sexuality class. She considered medical school, took science classes, but ultimately chose to get her masters and doctorate in public health as public health focuses on prevention, while medicine tends to focus on diagnosis and treatment.
After doing research for her master's degree, she was encouraged by her major professor to obtain her doctorate. She taught at Cal State Fullerton and UCLA during her time in graduate school. Dr. Harvey received her master's and doctorate degree in public health from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

Keywords: Cal State Fullerton; California; LA; Los Angeles; UCLA; University of California Los Angeles; big city; biology; contraceptives; diversity; graduate school; human sexuality; medical school; pregnancy; prevention; public health; research; science; social worker; unwanted pregnancy

00:40:24 - Transitioning from the University of Oregon to Oregon State University

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Partial Transcript: There is a 20 year gap between graduating with your PhD and before starting work at OSU, could you go into more detail as to what you did during this time?

Segment Synopsis: After graduating from UCLA with her PhD, Dr. Harvey wanted to come back to Oregon. She applied to an assistant professor position at the University of Oregon in the Department of Community Health. She taught at UofO for twenty years, was a department chair, and was the director of research at the Center for the Study of Women and Society.
Harvey admits to missing the diversity, culture, food, and music in Los Angeles once she moved back to Oregon.
Sometime during her time at UofO, she worked part time at Oregon State University to help build the Department of Public Health. She was then asked by the dean at that time to work full time at OSU as department chair and to build the first accredited school of public health in Oregon; it became accredited in 2014.

Keywords: OSU; Oregon State University; University of Oregon; UofO; accredited school of public health; dean; department chair; department of community health; mentor; professor; public health; tenure

00:53:56 - University Environment for Women

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Partial Transcript: Can you talk about the working environment for women when you first started here and how that evolved over time?

Segment Synopsis: Harvey shares that she has been fortunate enough to be in a field dominated by women. She is not sure if there has been a big change for women in the College of Public Health (since it is dominated by women), but says that overall at the university level there has been equitable change.

Keywords: equality; equity; oregon state university; president Ed Ray; public health; women

00:56:10 - Sexual and Reproductive Health Research

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Partial Transcript: Could you describe research that you have done while at OSU and if it has progressed over the years?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Harvey recounts how her research has changed over the years. At the start of her research she mainly focused on unintended pregnancies. As the years progressed, she also incorporated research on Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and the dynamic of couples and relationships.
Her research on women's reproductive rights still remains a controversial and heated topic. She is quiet on her research on access to abortion and believes that women should have the opportunity to make the right decisions for themselves.

Keywords: HIV; STIs; abortion; access; reproductive justice; reproductive rights; research; sexually transmitted infections; unintended pregnancies; women's health

01:04:12 - Future Changes to OSU

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What changes, if any, would you like to see happen in the College of Public Health?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Harvey would like to see the health class that is required to be taken by all students to incorporate a segment on sexually transmitted infections. In addition, she wants the university to care more about graduate students and research programs.

Keywords: graduate students; health; health class; research; sexually transmitted infections