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Irene Firmat Oral History Interview, May 4, 2015

Oregon State University
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00:00:10 - Childhood memories

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So, you were born in New York?

Segment Synopsis: Irene shares that she was born in Cuba but immigrated to the United States at a young age. She describes how her family had to flee the country as result of Castro's rule. Irene shares memories of growing up in New York City, and then moving to the countryside.

Keywords: Cuban; Freedom; Havana; New York City; Spain

00:10:39 - Life in Portland

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Partial Transcript: So how old were you when you moved to Oregon?

Segment Synopsis: Firmat shares that she moved to Oregon at the age of 23 and worked as a retail buyer. Firmat shares that after high school she back packed all around Europe she saw the higher quality of life that was there. She shares that she wants to take that same European culture and bring it to Portland. She shares that she loved the West Coast, because it did not matter what you did for a career or what your family did.

Keywords: Age; Coasts; Concerts; Friendly; Miram Frank; Portland; Social Class

00:19:33 - Cultural heritage

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Partial Transcript: What about culturally? so being born in Cuba and growing up in a family that was connected to that heritage.

Segment Synopsis: She shares that she never really felt Cuban, she felt very much a part of America from the beginning. She describes how she almost felt more connected to her Cuban roots later in life. However, she describes how lucky she is to have been raised in America.

Keywords: American; Cuban; Los Angeles; New York

00:23:08 - Starting in Hood River

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Partial Transcript: So, back to the 1980s, you are partnering up with the distributor and looking around, did either of you brew?

Segment Synopsis: She shares her original business partners for her brewery, and a story about how she met her husband. She tells that the brewery was always meant to be in Hood River, but she also describes how run down the town was because of the timber collapse. She shares that she did live in Portland, but commuted to Hood River, and the benefits of not living in the same time you work in.

Subjects: Brewer; Children; Hood River; Hood River Brewing Company; Marketing; Organic Chemistry; Portland

00:29:47 - Building a company

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Partial Transcript: So, what was it when you decided to open, to set up here, what do you remember about that time?

Segment Synopsis: She shares that when they started out the business, they had quit their previous jobs and were surviving on credit cards. Firmat discusses the company culture, and what makes Full Sail Brewing special. She shares how respecting and valuing employees is what made their brewery such a success.

Keywords: Company culture; Credit Cards; Employee ownership; Financing; Hood River; Licensing; Respect

00:35:49 - Women in Beer/Work-Family balance

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Partial Transcript: Do you, I know you get asked this a lot, it is unique it was unique o have female starting a business, what do you feel the biggest challenges and biggest benefits of a women starting a business in the 1980s?

Segment Synopsis: She shares how it is crazy even today, how few women were involved in the beer industry. Firmat discusses how male-dominated the beer industry is, but shares the benefits of women in the industry. She shares about how she maintained her work-life balance, and the relationship that she maintains with her children. She discusses the importance of prioritizing her time, and the benefits of working at the same place as her husband.

Keywords: Beer industry; Career; Children; Family Dinner; Family Vacations; Respect; Spouse; Women

00:44:03 - Children and family business

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Partial Transcript: Do your kids want to be a part of the company?

Segment Synopsis: She shares that she never really planned on her children taking over the business after them. She shares how she wanted her kids to be free to do their own things. She shares that both of her children are in college and doing their own successful things.

Keywords: Children; College; Family Business

00:47:14 - Changes in the industry

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Partial Transcript: Steping back a little bit in time, into that period of time in the mid to late 1990s, and a lot of people talk about the bubble that was happening then and characterize it as yes there was a lot of beer, and no it was not all very good...What was that like, can you talkabout that?

Segment Synopsis: Irene shares that during this time it was scary because lots and lots of breweries were growing and it seemed like the market had reached saturation. She shares now that looking back it was really an overstated problem and a lot of people were worried for nothing. The breweries that focused on quality not quantity were the ones that remained. She wants breweries and the beer industry to not be gimmicky, but instead reflect the quality of ingredients and labor put into it.

Keywords: Beer; Brewing; Craft beer; Farm to table; Market; Quality

00:53:55 - Connections to growers/Competition in the market

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Partial Transcript: Talk about what its been to like to connect to the growers, and what some of your favorite bits about that?

Segment Synopsis: Firmat shares how the relationships with hop growers in Oregon is the biggest asset that Craft breweries have. She shares that the history of hops in the state is rich, and because of that history with hop growing, that's why Oregon has the best craft breweries. Irene also shares about how special Oregon is because of the rainfall and water that Oregon has in abundance. Irene shares about the competition between the early day brewers, but there was collaboration too.

Keywords: Collaboration; Competition; Fred Eckhardt; History; Hops; Water

01:02:44 - Discussion of other breweries

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Partial Transcript: So, what do you know about how things were developing in California or developing in Colorado? Do you compare yourself to other states?

Segment Synopsis: Irene shares that brewers were very aware of there out of state competition, however, it was competition in the typical sense. She tells how she would be invited and attend the opening of breweries all across the West Coast. Irene discusses being on boards and committees in the late 90s, and becoming a member of the larger brewing community in the United States. Irene talks about the economics and outlooks for breweries in the future. She worries about the future of the industry because of the over saturation.

Keywords: Bars; Brewers Association; California; Colorado; Competition; Maytag; Respect; Sierra Nevada; Washington; brewing

01:14:15 - Concluding thoughts

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So you guys are in a point of transition, how does Full Sail evolve?

Segment Synopsis: Irene shares that Full Sail will be putting more effort into sales and marketing then ever before. She discusses how when Full Sail pushed out their Session lager, it was bold and exciting. She shares how consumers have changed, and are constantly changing. Irene discusses how she wants to be remembered, and the legacy of Full Sail.

Keywords: Coffee; Fun; Growth; Legacy; Marketing; Renaissance; Session