Partial Transcript: Can you give your name to the camera?
Segment Synopsis: Harry talks about his background and some of the historical events that have affected his political beliefs, such as the Vietnam War. He also talks about his relationship to the Mormon church, including his ex-communication in support of the ERA (equal rights amendment).
Keywords: Childhood; Equal Rights Amendment; LGBTQ; Mormonism; Politics; Pro-Choice; Schooling; Sexuality; War
Partial Transcript: So you mentioned before that on top of being involved with the National Organization for Women, you also got involved with the Democratic Party. How did that come about?
Segment Synopsis: Harry talks about his involvement with the Democratic Party of Oregon, how he contributed to various elections, and his relationship to other democrats. He also talks about his work to compile voter lists and design software for people to use them.
Keywords: Democratic Party; elections; government; politics; voter lists
Partial Transcript: So, you wanted to talk about your uncle at one point...
Segment Synopsis: Harry talks about his gay uncle and an adult son he adopted. Harry also talks about Kelly Worth, a state representative replaced by Sara Gelser.
Keywords: Adoption; Inheritence; Kelly Worth; State Representative; politics