Oregon State UniversitySpecial Collections & Archives Research Center

Oregon Hops and Brewing Archives

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What is OHBA?

Oregon Hops and Brewing Archives, established in 2013, is the first in the U.S. dedicated to collecting, preserving, and sharing materials that tell the story of Northwest brewing. We focus on materials related the regional hops and barley farming, craft and home brewing, cider, mead, and the OSU research that dates to the 1890s.

Cornerstones for the archives are the papers of world renowned beer historian Fred Eckhardt; the records of the Oregon Hop Growers Association; the records of the Pink Boots Society; extensive industry periodicals and book collections; and research reports on plant disease, breeding, and processing. The archives also includes oral histories with growers, brewers, and scientists; homebrew club newsletters; industry periodicals; photographs; memorabilia; and advertising materials and art from breweries throughout the state.

Learn more about our mission.

Hops and Brewing is a history worth saving

As you stroll through the aisles of your favorite grocery store admiring all the choices, you might wonder "how did all these breweries start?" Beer in the 19th century was a local endeavor and American brewers cultivated a local market, selling to customers who lived around the corner or a few miles away. We see this in our present day with an emphasis on local ingredients and personal connections between customer, grower, and brewer. Read more about the journey from 19th century hop field to 21st century craft.

Take Pride in Brewing History and be a Part of OHBA

At its core, OHBA is a community archiving project: we have the opportunity to work with the people who changed the face of an industry and set in motion a movement! We are actively seeking materials pertaining to brewing history. What types of materials are we looking for? OHBA is seeking unique, historic, or rare items of enduring value deemed worthy of long-term preservation. These could be items that document the past, but also items that convey the current brewing scene to someone in the future. Find out how you can contribute to OHBA.

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