Affiliation: OSU Foundation

Darry Callahan Oral History Interview
Life history interview conducted by Mike Dicianna.
August 6, 2015
Darry Callahan (b. 1942) graduated from OSU in 1964 with a degree in Chemical Engineering
and moved directly into a career at Chevron that spanned some forty years. Over the
course of that time, Callahan worked as a research engineer, financial analyst, manager
and executive. At one time the president of Chevron Oil Bahamas, Callahan also served
as the chief executive at Chevron Chemical Company as well as the succeeding company
that he helped to merge, Chevron Phillips Chemical. Callahan has also been very actively
involved with the OSU Foundation, the OSU College of Engineering, and the OSU Board
of Trustees, of which he has been a member and vice chairman since its creation. His
interview focuses on his undergraduate years in Corvallis, his long and varied career
at Chevron, and his more recent activities with his alma mater.

Erin Haynes Oral History Interview
Life history interview conducted by Mike Dicianna.
July 25, 2014
Erin Haynes (b. 1950) attended OSU from 1968-1972, during which time he both played
on and helped to coach the school's freshman football team, and also served as Senior
Class President. Following graduation, Haynes built a long career at Oregon State,
working in the Department of Admissions for eight years, the OSU Foundation for twenty-two
years, and the Alumni Association for two more. Haynes has also served as an advisor
to the OSU chapter of Phi Delta Theta fraternity for more than four decades. His interview
focuses on fraternity culture at Oregon State, campus life in the late 1960s and early
1970s, and Beaver lore throughout its history, including several stories of notable
Oregon Staters from the past.

Duane McDougall Oral History Interview
Life history interview conducted by Mike Dicianna.
July 15, 2015
Duane McDougall (b. 1952) is a native Oregonian and an OSU alum who graduated in 1974
with a degree in Business and Technology, focusing primarily on Accounting. After
college, McDougall spent twenty-three years at Willamette Industries, a forest products
company with headquarters in Oregon. During that time, McDougall rose steadily up
the ranks within the company until ultimately receiving promotion to the position
of President and Chief Executive Officer in 1998. McDougall led Willamette Industries
for the remainder of its existence, stepping down only after the company succumbed
to an eighteen month-long hostile takeover bid launched by Weyerhaeuser and consolidated
in 2002. Later on, McDougall joined the leadership team at Boise Cascade, serving
as CEO for nine months and chairing the company's board for nearly six years. McDougall's
interview traces his memories as a student and supporter of OSU as well as his years
as a forest products executive during very turbulent times.

Doug Oxsen Oral History Interviews
Two life history interviews conducted by Mike Dicianna.
July - December 2015
Doug Oxsen (b. 1952) played for Ralph Miller's OSU basketball squads in the early
1970s, graduating in 1975 with a degree in Business. After a period where he continued
to play on a semi-professional basis, Oxsen settled into a private sector career in
the health industry. In 2002, Oxsen returned to his alma mater when he accepted a
position as Director of Development in Athletics with the OSU Foundation. In this
capacity, he has played a lead role in raising funds to support the expansion and
renovation of Reser Stadium, the construction of the Basketball Practice Facility,
and the building of the Whyte Track and Field Complex, among other initiatives. Over
two interviews, Oxsen shares his memories of playing basketball for Ralph Miller,
defeating mighty UCLA, and helping to modernize OSU's athletics facilities as a fundraiser
with the OSU Foundation.

Pat Reser Oral History Interview
Life history interview conducted by Chris Petersen.
April 24, 2015
Pat Reser (b. 1938) and her family have made a major impact on OSU as donors, leaders
and high profile advocates for a variety of university initiatives. Pat and her husband
Al both graduated from Oregon State College in 1960, she in Elementary Education and
he in Business Administration. A public school teacher and mother of five children,
Pat organized Reser family life while her husband worked long hours building Reser's
Fine Foods from a family business to an international corporation employing more than
3,000 people. The Reser family later played a significant role in advancing multiple
goals important to OSU, including the renovation and expansion of the school's football
stadium, which was renamed Reser Stadium in 1999 in honor of a major gift made by
the family. The Resers later provided lead gifts for two signature projects of the
Campaign for OSU - the Linus Pauling Science Center and Austin Hall. Pat Reser served
as a co-chair of the school's capital campaign, and later was elected as the first
chair of the OSU Board of Trustees. Reser's interview focuses on her life and partnership
with her husband Al, her professional work in education and her volunteer work in
Beaverton and Corvallis, and her insight into the Reser family's key involvement with
development at OSU.

Jim Rudd Oral History Interview
Life history interview conducted by Chris Petersen.
August 19, 2015
Jim Rudd (b. 1948) was an employee of the OSU Athletic Department from 1974-1982,
focusing on sales and marketing, and serving as an important liaison between the department,
the OSU Foundation, and the President's Office. Since departing from OSU, Rudd has
worked in Portland at Ferguson Wellman Capital Management, where he is principal and
CEO. Throughout this time, Rudd has maintained close ties to the OSU Foundation, serving
as a trustee and, from 2006-2014, as co-chair of the steering committee for the Campaign
for OSU. His interview focuses on his upbringing and the importance that athletics
played in his youth; memories of his work and colleagues while a member of the Athletic
Department; his many years of service to the OSU Foundation; and his memories of the
OSU capital campaign as it played out.

Pat Stone Oral History Interview
Life history interview conducted by Janice Dilg.
July 2, 2015
Pat Stone (b. 1947) is an Oregon State alum who graduated with a degree in History
in 1974. In the years that followed, Stone found success in the real estate title
business, at one point rising to the rank of CEO at Fidelity National Information
Services, and also founding two companies of his own - The Stone Group and Williston
Financial Group. Stone has also been heavily involved with the activities of the OSU
Foundation, spending more than a decade as a Foundation trustee or board member, and
serving as a co-chair of the Campaign for OSU fundraising initiative that raised over
$1.1 billion to support OSU's strategic goals. Stone's interview focuses on his early
years and military service in Vietnam, his path through college and university studies,
the progression of his career as a real estate executive, and the many contributions
that he has made to OSU and the OSU Foundation.