Affiliation: OSU Cascades

Natalie Dollar Oral History Interview
Life history interview conducted by Janice Dilg.
August 5, 2015
Natalie Dollar (b. 1963) has been a member of the OSU Speech Communications department
since 1993, and a member of the faculty at OSU-Cascades since 2002. Now the Associate
Dean of Arts and Sciences at the Bend campus, Dollar has focused her scholarly research
on cultures that choose to reside outside of the mainstream, a program of work that
has led to study of houseless youths in the Seattle area as well as fans of the Grateful
Dead music group. Her interview focuses on her southern roots and the impact that
her upbringing made on her as an academic and as a person; her research on alternative
cultures; and her long experience as a faculty member and administrator at the Cascades
branch campus.

Becky Johnson Oral History Interview
Life history interview conducted by Janice Dilg.
August 3, 2015
Becky Johnson (b. 1955), Vice President for OSU-Cascades, has led OSU's branch campus
in central Oregon since 2008. Prior to her shift into administration, Johnson was
a natural resources economist in the OSU College of Forestry, whose research and teaching
focused on the economic values and impacts of non-market resources. Johnson has been
a member of the Oregon State faculty since first arriving in Corvallis in 1984 and
her administrative appointments have included several years as Vice Provost for Academic
Affairs and International Programs. Her interview provides insight into curricular
and demographic shifts that she has observed within the College of Forestry; changes
in the leadership roles that women have assumed at OSU in recent decades; the history
and growth of OSU-Cascades; and Johnson's sense of challenges and opportunities that
are specific to OSU-Cascades and its mission.

Clara Pratt Oral History Interview
Life history interview conducted by Janice Dilg.
August 4, 2015
Clara Pratt (b. 1948) worked as a faculty member at OSU for more than thirty years,
directing the university's Gerontology program from 1974 to 1993, and also serving
as Oregon State's final dean of Home Economics. It was in this latter capacity that
Pratt was closely involved with the dissolution of what was then known as the College
of Home Economics and Education, and the creation of the predecessor to today's College
of Public Health and Human Sciences. Pratt was likewise involved in the early conversations
surrounding the creation of a branch campus in Bend, and to this day works part-time
as an instructor at OSU-Cascades. Her interview touches upon her forty year association
with OSU and her key involvement in major changes within Gerontology, Home Economics,
Health and Human Sciences, and OSU-Cascades.

Ed Ray Oral History Interviews
Four life history interviews conducted by Chris Petersen.
June - August 2015
Ed Ray (b. 1944), the fourteenth President of Oregon State University, has overseen
both historic growth on campus and a major recalibration of university ambitions.
Trained as an economist, Ray spent thirty-three years at Ohio State University, where
he served as chair of the Economics department before moving into central administration,
first as Chief Information Officer and later as Provost. Ray came to OSU in 2003
and set in motion a strategic planning process that realigned university structures
and goals. He also launched OSU's first comprehensive capital campaign, The Campaign
for OSU, which raised $1.142 billion and resulted in a busy period of campus construction
as well as the endowment of seventy-nine faculty positions and the creation of over
600 scholarship and fellowship funds. Over four interviews, Ray reflects on his upbringing
and education; discusses his roots as a scholar and an administrator; and shares his
perspective on a wide array of initiatives that have moved forward during his tenure
as OSU President.

Henry Sayre Oral History Interview
Life history interview conducted by Janice Dilg.
August 5, 2014
Henry Sayre (b. 1948) is a Distinguished Professor of Art History who has worked at
OSU since 1981 and at the OSU-Cascades campus since its opening in 2001. Sayre is
also an accomplished teacher and the author of a number of books, including a groundbreaking
art appreciation textbook, A World of Art, now in its seventh edition, and the children's book From Cave Paintings to Picasso, winner of an Oregon Book Award. As chair of the curriculum committee and as academic
provost, Sayre has also been instrumental in the on-going development of the Cascades
campus in Bend, Oregon. His interview focuses on his experiences as a professor in
the liberal arts at OSU, his leading role at OSU-Cascades, and his influential work
as an art historian and art educator.