Highway clean-up directions are broadcast, 1930. Mrs. Jessie Honeyman, director of the statewide highway clean-up campaign, broadcast her final directions to cooperating groups over KOAC radio. Schools, boy scouts, chambers of commerce, service clubs, and landowners participated in the May 10th event in preparation for the 1930 crop of tourists.
Dick Mote band in KOAC studio, 1935. Dick Mote's campus dance band participated in the Associated Women's Students' etiquette program, "Half Hour of Good Taste." The band, also known as the "Greater Oregon Staters," began performing a popular weekly radio show in 1933.
Foresters in Action, 1939. Alouette, gentille Alouette; Alouette, je te plumerai– In 1936, the OSC Forestry Club began broadcasting a weekly program "of fun and music from the woods" that included skits, tall tales, and music by the Foresters Chorus. This recording of the theme song was made by Jimmie Morris and Grant Feikert in May 1939.
This recording has since been digitized and is freely available here.