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Letter from Linus Pauling to Theodore Dunham. July 18, 1942.
Pauling writes to propose a budget for a requested contract to investigate the development of corrosion-resistant glass surface layers.


July 18, 1942

Dr. T. Dunham, Jr.

Mt. Wilson Observatory

Santa Barbara Street

Pasadena, California

Dear Ted:

I suggest consideration of the following proposal for a contract with the California Institute of Technology. Purpose of the contract would be to investigate possible methods of treating glass surfaces with acids, alkyl silicates or aluminates, and other reagents, in order to produce corrosion-resisting surface layers.

Proposed period: August 1, 1942 to March 31, 1943.

Official Investigator: Professor Howard J. Lucas



One senior assistant $1350

One junior assistant 750

Overhead 1050

Apparatus, supplies, shop work, miscellany 1000

One month vacation salary of Official

Investigator 444.44

Total $4594.44

The salaries are for a six-months period and the effort would be made to complete the work in that time (by January 31, 1943).

Sincerely yours,

Linus Pauling


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