February 17, 1942
Air Mail
Dr. Irvin Stewart, Secretary
National Defense Research Committee
1530 P Street NW.
Washingotn, D.C.
Dear Dr. Stewart:
Reference: Symbol No. 402
On July 25, 1941 I received from Dr. Vannevar Bush a letter authorizing me to
proceed with the development of the oxygen partial pressure meter, with the understanding
that a formal contract carrying an appropriation of $4250 would be submitted to the
California Institute as soon as possible. We have not yet received the contract, although
the work planned on the basis of the letter of authorization is three-quarters completed.
Will you therefore prepare for us a contract bearing Project No. PDRG-41 for the development
of the oxygen partial pressure meter in a form for use with the navy type rebreather
apparatus. We will furnish one instrument of the new type on the contract. The appropriation
should be $4250 unallocated as to salaries, wages, and supplies.
We ask that Project No. PDRG-41 be retained on the new contract in order that
we may use supplies purchased with our A-1-a preference certificate No. VQ-275093.
You will find the preliminary discussion which led to Dr. Bush's letter of authorization
in my letter to Dr. Sherwood dated June 18, 1941, and in his reply of July 9, 1941.
Sincerely yours,
Linus Pauling
cc to Dr. H.M. Chadwell
Handwritten: Original of letter of authorization given to Mr. Barrett for confidential
file, 3-6-42. JHS