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Letter from Linus Pauling, Jr. to Ava Helen and Linus Pauling. January 18, 1944.
Linus Jr. writes to his parents to note his new interest in transferring into the Army medical corps training program, and to inquire into the possibility that his father might have a colleague who could write a recommendation for him.


January 18, 1944

8:45 PM.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I transferred to a new group today Bks. 187, T.G. 306. All the guys are ordinary basics- no cadets. I was right -my old group is in the process of shipping.

I am very much tempted to transfer to Medics; it will take some arguing to do it. I will have to make up my mind that the possible glory of flying is not for me. Being in medics would probably be boring I'd learn one job like blood typing and do it for the rest of the war or be a ward boy and push a broom up and down a ward- but I'd always be warm and clean. Do you know anyone, Dad, who might assist my transfer by writing a letter? Someone in the medical corps.

Much love,


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