Max Perutz: I learned chemistry as an undergraduate in Vienna and chemistry then was something
that had to be memorized, but I didn't regard chemistry as anything that could be
understood. Now, at Christmas 1939 a girlfriend gave me a book to open and with that
I bought Linus Pauling's Nature of the Chemical Bond and it was a revelation to me, as if for the first time I realized that chemistry
could be understood in terms of structure. So this book made a tremendous impact on
me and I'm sure on generations of students and it really revolutionized the teaching
of chemistry.
Creator: Max Perutz Associated: Linus Pauling Clip ID: 1997v.1-bookperutz
Full Work
Creator: British Broadcasting Corporation Associated: Linus Pauling, Ava Helen Pauling, Jon Tunney, Jack Dunitz, Peter Pauling, Max Perutz,
Maurice Wilkins