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Letter from Linus Pauling to Arthur B. Lamb. June 4, 1931. Pauling writes to thank Lamb for securing the prompt publication of his paper on the
nature of the chemical bond. Pauling further wishes to submit for publication in JACS
the enclosed paper on the one-electron bond and the three-electron bond, and would
be grateful for any criticism or suggestions.
June 4, 1931
Professor Arthur B. Lamb,
Laboratory of Chemistry,
Harvard University,
Cambridge, Mass.
Dear Professor Lamb;
I wish to thank you for your kindness in securing the prompt publication of my article
on the Nature of the Chemical Bond. I wish now to submit for publication in the Journal
the enclosed paper on "The One-electron Bond and the Three-electron Bond." While
desiring that it be published without undue delay, I do not request that it be exempted
from the customary editorial examination, and I shall be grateful for any suggestions
or criticisms.
Very sincerely yours,
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