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Letter from Linus Pauling to Arnold Sommerfeld. October 20, 1925.
Pauling writes to inform Sommerfeld of his forthcoming travels to Europe and to discuss the research topics that he would like to investigate while overseas.


October 20, 1925

Professor A Sommerfeld also to N. Bohr, asking about Summer 1927

University of Munich,

Munich, Germany

Dear Sir:

I am planning on studying in Europe during the next year, probably as a fellow of the International Education Board. I should like very much to work in your Institute(?), if it is convenient for you.

The nature of the non-polar valence bond seems to me to merit theoretical investigation. A large number of chemical facts have led me to the opinion that the non-polar bond consists of two electrons in motion in orbits about two atomic nuclei, and I accordingly wish to make a study of some configurations of this type.

Would it be possible for me to find accommodations in the University for two semesters, the summer semester in 1926 and the 1926-27 winter semester? I should like very much to have you direct my investigation.

Since your visit here in 1923 I have married. I am enclosing a snapshot of my wife and baby and me.

Yours respectfully,

Linus Pauling

Notes in German on back]


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