"The Future of Physical Chemistry" May 7, 1968. Symposium in Dedication of the Arthur Amos Noyes Laboratory of Chemical Physics, California
Institute of Technology, Pasadena.
Linus Pauling: Roscoe Dickinson came here in 1918. He used the spectrometer, made measurements,
made determinations of the structure of two minerals: wulfenite and scheelite and
also of sodium chlorate and sodium bromate. I remember the crystals of sodium chlorate
and sodium bromate that he used. They were about 1/2 inch in diameter, had some developed
faces and some faces that he had ground on them to get Bragg reflections off of these
faces without being troubled by obstruction problems. He got his Ph.D. in 1920 for
this work. He was the first man to receive the doctoral degree from the California
Institute of Technology. Richard M...[cuts off]
Creator: Linus Pauling Associated: Sir William Lawrence Bragg, Roscoe Dickinson Clip ID: 1968v.4-dickinson
Full Work
Creator: Linus Pauling, Norman R. Davidson Associated: California Institute of Technology