"I went to New York and gave a seminar at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research,
in 1936. And at that time, I asked the director, Simon Flexner, to send Alfred Mirsky
and his family to Pasadena to be with us for a year, because of my interest in hemoglobin.
So Mirsky came. Mirsky was astonished that I would have the temerity to approach Flexner
-- I was a brash young man, I think -- and then astonished that it worked out!" Linus Pauling. Interview by John L. Greenberg, California Institute of Technology Archives Oral Histories Project. May 10, 1984.
"I'd built up this great research organization in structural chemistry, and I had
discovered molecular diseases there at the Institute." Linus Pauling. Interview with John L. Greenberg, California Institute of Technology Oral History Project. May 10, 1984.
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