George W. Beadle George E. Burch Dan H. Campbell William B. Castle Robert B. Corey Charles D. Coryell Lee A. DuBridge Vernon M. Ingram Harvey A. Itano Karl Landsteiner Alfred E. Mirsky Robert M. Nalbandian James V. Neel A. A. Noyes Ava Helen Pauling Linus Pauling Walter A. Schroeder S. Jonathan Singer Stanley M. Swingle Arne Tiselius Warren Weaver Ibert C. Wells Paul L. Wolf Emile ZuckerkandlView all Key Participants
 Portrait of Paul L. Wolf, approx. 2003.
More Info
Paul L. Wolf1924- Department of Pathology, University of California, San Diego School of Medicine 9500 Gilman Drive, Dept. 0612, La Jolla, California 92093-0612
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