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"A Proposed Program of Research on the Fundamental Problems of Biology and Medicine." February 14, 1946.
Creator: Linus Pauling, George Beadle, A.H. Sturtevant Associated: Dan Campbell, Robert Corey, Karl Landsteiner, A.A. Noyes, Walter A. Schroeder, Joseph
Koepfli, Carl G. Niemann, David Pressman, Verner Schomaker, Laszlo Zechmeister, Richard
M. Badger, James Bonner, Henry Borsook, Richard W. Dodson, Robert Emerson, William
A. Fowler, A. J. Haagen-Smit, G.E. Horowitz, Charles C. Lauritsen, Salvador Luria,
Robert A. Millikan, Thomas Hunt Morgan, Stuart Mudd, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Ralph
W.G. Wyckoff, Don Yost, Wendell M. Stanley, F.W. Went, Albert Tyler, Sterling D. Emerson,
Herschel K. Mitchell, Samuel Gurin, Robley C. Williams, Thomas F. Anderson, Tracy
M. Sonneborn, Sol Spiegelman
Date: February 14, 1946 Genre: manuscripts ID: 1946a.1 Copyright: More Information