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"Ascorbic Acid and Cancer." February 14, 1976. Presented at a meeting of the California Orthomolecular Society, San Francisco, California.
Creator: Linus Pauling Associated: Harvey Itano, Karl Landsteiner, S.J. Singer, Ibert C. Wells, Roscoe Dickinson, Irving
Langmuir, G.N. Lewis, Abram Hoffer, Humphry Osmond, Irwin Stone, Ewan Cameron, Fukumi
Morishige, Akira Murata, Thomas R. Karlowski, Thomas C. Chalmers, L. D. Frenkel, Albert
Z. Kapikian, J. M. Lynch, T. L. Lewis, Michael Dykes, Paul Meier, Emil Ginter, Constance
R. Spittle, Charles E. Butterworth, Carlos F. Krumdieck, William J. McCormick, Frederick
R. Klenner, Allan Campbell, Thomas Jack
Date: February 14, 1976 Genre: manuscripts ID: 1976s.4 Copyright: More Information