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Memorandum from Walt Schroeder to Linus Pauling. November 21, 1950.
Schroeder writes on the subject of "Number of Isoleucine Residues Per Molecule of Hemoglobin." Having reviewed the literature, Schroeder has concluded that there may exist a need to clarify previous statements that they have made regarding the minimum molecular weight of particular hemoglobins.



To: Professor Pauling

From: Walt Schroeder

Subject: Number of Isoleucine Residues Per Molecule of Hemoglobin

In the paper which described the analysis of hemoglobins, we stated that the minimum molecular weight of both proteins must be about 67,000 because there is only one isoleucine residue per molecule of thus weight but we did not comment further on this point.

Recently, I have wondered whether we should not have called more attention to this fact because it does not show that in human Hb any dissociation by urea or in very dilute solution must result in dissimilar fragments. Dr. Corey and I think that a short to the JACS which stresses this result might be worthwhile.

However, in looking up literature for this note I have been unable to find any statement which suggests that hemoglobin might disassociate into identical fragments of half or quarter molecular weight or that the molecule might contain four identical peptide chains & coincide with the four hemes although both Dr. Corey and I fell that we have heard or read such statements.

Do you think that such a note would be advisable and are you aware of any published statements such as I have described?


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