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Letter from Linus Pauling to C. Lockard Conley. November 17, 1969. Pauling writes to discuss the role that he played in the discovery of abnormal human
hemoglobins. In so doing, Pauling corrects what he feels to be errors or omissions
by Bill Castle and George Burch in their recountings of the historical record. Transcript.
Creator: Linus Pauling Recipient: C. Lockard Conley Associated: Harvey Itano, George E. Burch, William B. Castle, Alfred E. Cohn, Thomas Addis, Edward
A. Doisy, Travis Winsor, Edward R. Evans, Theodore Shedlovsky, Maurice B. Strauss
Date: November 17, 1969 Genre: correspondence ID: corr181.5-lp-conley-19691117 Copyright: More Information