Subject: Chemistry (60 items)

National Research Council, National Research Fellow in Chemistry, Certificate.

July 1925

American Chemical Society, Prize for meritorious work in pure chemistry, [A. C. Langmuir Prize] Certificate.

September 2, 1931

William H. Nichols Medal, New York Section of the American Chemical Society.

March 7, 1941

Phi Lambda Upsilon, Honorary Membership, Plaque, Correspondence indicating election.

May 9, 1941

The Chemical Society, Correspondence indicating election to honorary fellowship.

April 15, 1943

J. Willard Gibbs Medal, Chicago Section of the American Chemical Society.

June 14, 1946

George Westinghouse Centennial Award, Medal.


Theodore William Richards Medal. Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society.

May 9, 1947

Humphry Davy Medal, The Royal Society [London]. Certificate.

November 30, 1947

The Chemical Society, Liversidge Lectureship Medal.


John Wesley Hyatt Award for the Advancement of Plastics, Medal.


Gilbert Newton Lewis Medal, The California Section of the American Chemical Society.

November 27, 1951

2èmp Congres International de Biochemie, Medal, Paris.


The Newspaper Guild of New York, Page One Award in Science, Medal, Certificate.

April 17, 1953

Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

December 10, 1954

Response by Linus Pauling to the Toast to the Laureates of the Year, The Nobel Banquet.

December 10, 1954

Académie Nationale de Médecine, Medal.

May 28, 1957

National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, Delegate to 16th Congress of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Certificate.

June 19, 1957

Societe Chimique de France, Centennial Medal.


The Chemical Society of Japan, Certificate of Membership.

November 22, 1958

Indian Chemical Society, Silver Jubilee Medal.


Time Magazine, Man of the Year, Magazine article.

January 2, 1961

Sociedad Chilena de Quimica, Miembro de honor, Certificate.

January 13, 1962

Biochemie, Cinquantenaire de la Societe de Chemie Biologique, Medal.


Linus Pauling Medal, Oregon and Puget Sound Sections of the American Chemical Society.

December 3, 1966

Maria Skłodowska-Curie, Centenary Medal.


American Institute of Chemists, Certificate of Membership.

May 15, 1969

North Alabama Section of the American Chemical Society, Madison Marshall Award, Certificate.

November 10, 1969

Dickinson College, Dickinson College Award, Plaque.


Renaud Foundation, 24th Annual Renaud Foundation Lecturer, Plaque.

April 21, 1972

American Association of Clinical Chemists, Silver Anniversary, Medal on marble base.


University of California School of Pharmacy, San Francisco, Troy C. Daniels Lecturer, Scroll.

October 1974

The American Institute of Chemists, Chemical Pioneer Award, Certificate.

May 22, 1975

National Medal of Science, 1974, Awarded by Gerald R. Ford, President of the United States.

September 18, 1975

Albert Schweitzer Fellowship of Taiwan, Plaque.


Lomonosov Medal, Presidium of the Academy of the USSR.

February 9, 1978

National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, National Academy of Sciences Award in Chemical Sciences, [established in honor of Armand Hammer] Medal.

April 23, 1979

Decalogue Society of Lawyers, Award of Merit for the year 1978, Plaque.

April 29, 1979

Reed College, The Howard Vollum Award, Plaque, Citation.

September 11, 1979

Society of Agricultural Chemistry of Japan, Medal.

April 2, 1980

Parker Chiropractic Research Foundation, Reversebone of Chemical, Vitamin C, and World Peace Research, Trophy.

July 4, 1980

Royal Society of Chemistry, Correspondence indicating election to honorary fellowship of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

July 7, 1980

American Chemical Society, Recognition of Service, Plaque.

August 27, 1980

City of San Francisco, California, Dr. Linus Pauling Appreciation Day, Proclamation Certificate.

February 23, 1981

American Chemical Society, Recognition of service, Plaque.

August 26, 1981

U.S.S.R. Crystallographic Society, Nikolay Vasilyevich Belov Medal.


Arthur M. Sackler Foundation for the Arts Sciences and Humanities, Award for Chemistry, Certificate, Medal.

February 1984

Winona State University Chemistry Club, Certificate of Membership.

October 4, 1984

Joseph Priestley Medal, American Chemical Society.


Federation of European Biochemical Societies, 16th Meeting, Moscow, Medal.


San Diego State University, Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society, Achievement Award, Plaque.

1984 - 1985

California Institute of Technology, Dedication of the Linus Pauling Lecture Hall, Small marble plaque.

February 28, 1986

Laurent Lavoisier Medal, Fondation de la maison de la chimie.


American Chemical Society, American Chemical Society Award in Chemical Education, Certificate.

April 6, 1987

Bozo Tezak Medal, Zagreb, Croatian Chemical Society, Yugoslavia.


Vannevar Bush Award.

May 1989

American Chemical Society, Richard C. Tolman Medal.

February 27, 1991

American Chemical Society, Plaque for recognition of service.

August 28, 1991

Linus Pauling Medal, Stanford University.

1991 - 1992

San Diego County Board of Supervisors, Certificate in memoriam for Linus Pauling.

September 20, 1994

Biochemistry (12)
Certificates (84)
Commemorations (38)
Decorations of honor, Academic (16)
Degrees, Academic (55)
Honorary citizenship (11)
Humanitarianism (26)
International relations (23)
Medical sciences (75)
Memberships (92)
Peace-building (31)
Physical sciences (10)