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Sanders, J., July 8, 1946.

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2612 TILDEN STREET, N. W. WASHINGTON 8. D. C. July 8, 1946

Mr. Harold L. Oram Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists Princeton, New Jersey

Dear Mr. Oram:

 Only now I have the opportunity to acknowledge yours of June 21.  I also read the article in the New York Times. 
  I fear that your organization is too optimistic in being able to change the hearts of men and thus prevent wars.  Possibly I am too optimistic but I still have some hope that the Bomb will help to work out a decent world understanding and a way found to turn it over to an International Army to prevent wars. 
 I feel somewhat pessimistic about your plan but inclose check for $25.00 and hope that it may do some good.  Sorry your worthy efforts could not arouse more enthusiasm in me to do more. 
          J. Sanders 

#942 $25.-

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