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Pettes, C.R., May 6, 1947.

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Neither country willl change is system, so the only alternative is war. But I believe there is a way out - a way to be friends instead of enemies. It can be done! 1) Prove to Russia that we are interested in her welfare, not her destruction. As a first step in that direction, give her a liberal share of the oil in the Middle East, asking nothing in return. Let the government take over some of the vast holdings of the big oil companies in the Middle East and donate it to Russia. Russia needs that oil, and we don't, unless we go to war. (Incidentally, I am persuaded that that oil is the immediate cause of President Truman's proposal of aid to Greece and Turkey. The oil companies want their interests protected, and they also want a market for their oil. They can't sell it to the US except for military purposes, and they can't sell it to other countries that are financially "broke", unless we loan them American dollars to buy it with. A quarter billion acres of oil land can produce a lot of oil, you know. That's why I say that the governmental officials are the ones who need educating. But your program for informing the people is sound, because the people are the ones that will have to educate the government - if anybody does. Henry Wallace is doing a good job as an individual - may his tribe increase! 2) Another thing this country ought to do ( must do ) is to prove to the world that our system is the best for the people. That would do more to "stop Communism" than all the force or threat of force we can possibly use. All nations are now leaning towards "socialism" ( which, in its purity, means production for use instead of profit), so the Russian system appeals to the people as a way to better living conditions. In spite of our boasted " highest standard of living", we are still subject to "depressions", which all economists say is an inevitable accompaniment of our profit system. We are promised the worst one ever within the nest decade. It will cause as much human misery as Russian labor camps and purges. To prove the superiority of our system, we must prevent that depression! If we don't we will have what Senator Harry F. Byrd fears - a financial collapse. Down we will go, and take all "capitalistic' countries with us. Then Russia will have her way, and we can't help ourselves. Do you know of any way to prevent the coming depression? Sincerely C.R. Pettes

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