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Robb, Walter, May 12, 1947

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WALTER ROBB 554 2nd Avenue San Francisco 18 California

May 12 1947

Gentlemen: Your problem is the education of the American opinion on the topic of the Sunpower: atomic energy. My observation as a newspaperman is that to date you have succeeded best in the field of the press--among newspapermen rather than in the broader field comprising their readers. A further step might be for you to enlist some outstanding newspapermen in your behalf by direct acquaitanceship with them through correspondance; so that they will spread the word, help raise your first million dollars, and other millions after that. I think of Lee Shippey, Los Angeles Times: "The Lee Side o' Life;" Vincent Mahoney, chief editorial writer, the San Francisco Chronicle; and Herb Caen, columnist, same paper. Actually, a formally organised auxilliary among such high-type Americans should be of the utmost aid to you. They would gladly help consistently. Very sincerely yours,

Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 90 Nassau Street, Princeton Walter Robb.

I've sent your circular to friends in Manila. You have my chip-in, but please call on me again next year, should it arrive.

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