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Lucas, Harriet, April 9, 1947.

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Professor Albert Einstein, Chairman Emergency Commitee of Atomic Scientists Room 28, 90 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey

Dear Sir: I am sorry to have waited so long to reply to your appeal of January twenty-second on behalf of the Emergency Comittee of Atomic Scientists.

The truth is, I am a person of modest income, and the first three months of this year brought extra and unavoidable expenses. I am glad now to be able to enclose a small contribution to the expense fund of the Emergency Comittee and to assure you of my interest in the work that you are doing. As it becomes pos-sible, I expect to make additional contribution -- though they will all be small ones, I'm afraid.

I am trying to spread abroad the information contained inyour letter and in the folder that came with it. I have used the material in a talk before a small study club, as well as in connection with church and church school work. I realize the gravity of the matter and am anxious to do what I can to help.

Very sincerly yours, (Signature) Miss Harriet Lucas, 111 West 48 Street Minneapolis 9, Minnesota April 9, 1947

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