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Harris, W.S., February 26, 1947.

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W.S. HARRIS 2449 Pillsbury Ave. MINNEAPOLIS 4, MINN.

Feb. 26, 1947

Dr. Albert Einstein, Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, 90 Nassau Street Princeton, N.J.

Dear Dr. Einstein:

This replies to your letter of January 15th. Reply has been delayed because of illness in my family.

I enclose herewith copy of a paragraph from a letter I received from the man to whom I wrote about your Committee of Atomic Scientists. I thought its contents might interest you.

I am hoping to be back for our 50th Reunion in June and meantime I envy anyone who is living in Princeton.

Yours very truly,

W.S. Harris (signature)

WSH.D. Enc.

Paragraph referred to above:

"I am gradually managing to catch up with my correspondence, and among other unanswered letters I have found the one which you sent me regarding the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists. I'm sending it back to you herewith. By all means, give them a contribution if you can. I don't know the organization itself by name, but I know of Einstein, Urey, Bethe, Pauling and Szilard by reputation, and I know Phil Morse personally. He is the head of Brookhaven Laboratories. I find myself thoroughly in accord with the aims of the scientists in this atomic energy matter, and feel that they could do a lot better job of running the country than our politicians. Strangely enough, there doesn't seem to be any difference of opinion among them, and if they are allowed to have their way I think they can get us out of this mess."

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