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Bolton, Mrs. Dorothy G., January 3, 1948.

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Mrs. I. D. Bolton Burge Plantation Mansfield, Georgia

Jan. 3, 1948.

Dear Doctor Einstein:

Thank you more than I can say for the kind letter that you wrote to us. I know how your great heart is burdened down with apprehension for the whole earth, and understanding our danger and needlessness as you do, and being so anxious not to leave a stone unturned, perhaps it is not so strange that you should take the time and trouble to widen a little even the faintest crack of light no-matter where you see it. That is - write to even us, because we do care, and we too are full of apprehension-tho' ofcourse we do not know enough about atom bombs or biological war-fare to be tor-tued by the thought of details. No-one can endure to dwell at length upon the suffering of helpless peoples and little children- we cannot afford to do that, and retain any usefulness, and we do want to help  !

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