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Bacon, G. W., August 18, 1947

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39 Broadway New York 6

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New York, August 18, 1947

Dear Dr. Einstein:

Your most interesting and vitally important letter of the 6th instant reached me promptly, and as you say "We must not lose our willingness to seek the truth and our courage to act upon the truth. Maintaining these, we cannot despair." And among the truths as you so adequatly express it, is that "It has become apparent that all men are brothers in the shadow of the atomic bomb". So must we therefore, the world around act as no less. In our United States it is certainly all important that our neighbors from coast to coast, Canada to the Gulf, understand this worldwide truth and the route we must take to unfailingly observe it. Work for mutual understanding is what we must do, within and without each of our World Nations. With this done we cannot fail, but it isn't going to be done in a day. If there was ever a single element in the world which now demands that we act as One World, and by "we" I mean every nation large and small, absolutely irrespective of size, such element is today's atomic bomb literally dominating the world, and as you say the most revolutionary force since the discovery of fire. The choice is now mankind's. One path leads to World Destruction and the other to World Preservation! Which will we choose? I agree with you, there is no alternative; it must be "the path of peace".

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