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Hofmann, Elisabeth, February 7, 1948.

Revision as of Mar 23, 2015 11:31:45 AM, created by

                                                                       FEB 16   RECD

Karlsruhe, The 7. Jan. 1948

Elisabeth Hofmann Diplom-Jngenieur 17a Karlsruhe i.B. Nördl. Hildapromenade 12a

Dear Sirs!

 By the well known physicist, Miss Freda Wuesthoff I leave heard your address.
 I know, that you also convinced, that the enlightenment about the atom-energy will be the decision point in the present enlightenment of the people at large.  We in Germany are also endeavoring, to enlighten great circles of the population by reports about the atom-energy to support the absolute necessary will for peace among our people.  Especially our youth should learn the desolating effect of the atom energy, in order to emphasise to think of a new war with horror.  Our youth's teachers principally must feel compelled to do all the possible in this field.  
  However we in Germany are missing material for enlightenment especially for working unions of young people.  Should you have the possibility, to help us with our work supplying us with material, we should be very much obliged.  
  I have read with great interest a letter dated 19.9.47 to his friends in Germany of your committee's president, the highly appreciated Professor Albert Einstein.  You may rest assured, that