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Fish, Elmer, February 7, 1948.


Revision as of Mar 28, 2015 1:21:59 PM, created by

religious or social. The war only accelerated a result which would of happened any way, and if the American scientist had not fathered it, some one else, maybe Germany would have. Sincere in saying that in my humble way, I agree with Doctor Harold Urey, when he said in Time Mag. of Nov. 17, 47 --Other animals have died out in the past, as he brutally reused aloud on the meaning of atomic warfare -- "I do not see why we should be any exception, and perhaps now is the time." Really looking at the matter coldly realistically, he's got something you can't eliminate by argument, Marshall Plan, or United Nations, these may delay matters, but then maybe I'm wrong, as to the final results.

  Again thanks for everything --Best wishes.
                        Elmer Fish