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Wunsch, J.W., July 19, 1946.

Revision as of Oct 26, 2016 1:05:16 PM, created by

SILENT HOIST & CRANE CO. Engineers and Manufacturers 841 Sixty-Third Street Brooklyn 20, N.Y.

July 19, 1946

Professor A. Einstein, Chairman Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists Room 28, First National Bank Bldg. 90 Nassau St. Princeton, N.J.

Dear Professor Einstein:

In response to your letter of July 16, I have pleasure in remitting our check in the amount of $100.00 to your Committee's Fund for the enlightenment of the public in these critical days of general bewilderment. With this token of our support, we extend all also our best wishes and warmest appreciation for your leadership and initiative in this as in so many other causes for humanity and civilization.

Sincerely yours J.W. WUNSCH:LM


P.S. Dear Professor Einstein:

Will you be so kind as to ask your secretary to send a copy of your most recent photo with your autograph, for my refurbisched sanctum.

Thank you. JWW

Marion: This is a Tech letter, although [keyed?] envelope was not used. D.

  1. 1139 $100