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Wright, A. Gilbert, March 11, 1947.

Revision as of Oct 26, 2016 12:53:13 PM, created by

State of Illinois Dwight H. Green, Governor Dept. Registration and Education Frank G. Thompson Director

Illinois State Museum Thorne Deuel Museum Director Springfield

Museum Board of Advisors Fay-Cooper Cole, Ph.D. University of Chicago Vincent Y. Dallman, Editor Illinois State Register Springfield

Henry Baldwin Ward, Ph.D. University of Illinois Urbana

M.M. Leighton, Ph.D. Chief State Geological Survey Urbana

Dr. Albert Einstein, Chairman, Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Inc., 90 Nassau Street, Princeton, N.J.,

Dear Dr. Einstein:

Enclosed herewith is my remittance to assist in the work of your 6ommittee.

Permit me to suggest the name of: Miss Eliza B. Condell, 605 South Walnut, Springfield, Illinois. Miss Condell is a close friend and a person whom I feel sure might be interested. She has been the most generous in donating valuable oriental art and American Indian materials to the Illinois State Museum.

Yours very truly,

A. Gilbert Wright, Curator of Zoology.