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Wise, Stephen, May 4, 1948.

Revision as of Apr 27, 2017 9:31:57 AM, created by

American Jewish Congress 1834 Broadway New York 23, N.Y.

Office of the President

(Acknowledged by MER May 12th) (May 6 RECD)

Dr. Wise's personal address is 40 W 68 St. May 4, 1948

Professor Albert Einstein 112 Mercer Street Princeton, N.J.

Dear Professor Einstein:

Your appeal has come to me as it, of course, has come to great numbers of people. I have made it the subject of my column in this week's Congress Weekly and I venture to send you a copy, which Miss Dukas can file unread.

Poor as I am, and you know a synagogue mouse is even poorer than the traditional Church Mouse, I send you my check for $25 for the great work of the atomic scientists, which you will be good enough to forward to them.

With affectionate greetings always,

Yours, Stephen Wise