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Utterstrom, Sheila, June 17, 1947

Revision as of Apr 22, 2015 8:36:48 AM, created by

                                                      JUN 21   RECD

Box 33, Mission City, B.C. June 17/47.

Prof. A. Einstein, Princeton, N.J., USA

Dear Prof. Einstein,

  In response to your letter, published in "C. C. F. News", of Vancouver, B. C., I enclose $10.oo, to aid in the vitally important work you have in hand.  
  May I say how profoundly grateful I am to you for taking the lead, as you are doing, in this matter?  I have long respected and admired you, not only as a scientist (though there I am in so sense qualified to judge) but also as a great social scientist.  I have known numerous disappointments in men of brilliant, but single-track, minds!  Yours I consider the truly great mind since it knows no such limitations.