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Turay, Lillian G., March 7. 1947.

Revision as of Nov 12, 2016 5:22:42 AM, created by

7016 Sycamore Avenue Seattle 7, Washington March 7, 1947 Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists Room 28, 90 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey Attention: Mr. Albert Einstein Gentlemen: Am enclosing two dollars to be used "in your campaign of education to ensure that atomic energy will be used for the benefit of mankind and not for humanity's destruction". It seems strange that this committee of atomic scientists now appeals to individuals for funds to carry on this campaign - when, a group of scientists first went to the heads of the United States Government and, with the knowledge of a very few people, were appropriated millions of dollars to develop the bomb. Personally I feel that it will always be a "black mark" against the United States for having dropped those two bombs on Japan. Now, on one hand I contribute to your fund, and on the other hand am sending packages direct to Japan to help alleviate the suffering there brought on by the atom bomb and the general destruction and misery of war. Think you will have a big job on your hands to educate the people, as most of them have a child-like faith in military weapons, and do not realize that we are now living in an atomic age.